Smoke screens???

is the truck still under warranty? if so have them replace them with arp studs.

Then the warranty would be voided and I’m not sure if they would even put in an aftermarket part. Guess I’ll cross that road when I get there…

i did it with mine. I told them I was tired of the BS and not having my truck for weeks at a time they but ARP’s in and I sold it soon after. Just return the truck back to stock before you take it in.

Ok question… I’m thinking about putting smoke on my car. (for the CAR SHOWS)

I like the idea of having either jets of smoke coming out the boot install, with the UV & strobes already fitted I reckon this will look cool.


Having smoke under the car and when I blast the horns (They are pointing down) The smoke would be air blasted away.

I’m liking the first idea, and thinking also about possible mounting the jets on my rear engine hood… i’m turning into a Chav!!

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Chav is a derogatory term applied to certain young people in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical image of a “chav” is a white aggressive teen or young adult, of working class background, who wears fake branded sports and casual clothing, who often fights and engages in petty criminality, and is often assumed to be unemployed or in a low paid job. The term is often used as a mnemonic for ‘council house and violence’. It may also originate from the Romani language.[1][2] The word first appeared in English dictionaries in 2005.[3][4]

The other thought I had woz to have dry ice trickling into the boot…:smiley:

Oppss… I got carried away & forgot to ask my question!

Does this HB kit need the heat from the exhaust to make the smoke? or is it just like smoke in a can?