my friends and I went out for dinner at the southcenter mall but the cheesecake factory was full so on our way out we made a fashionable exit out of the parking garage, which in turn pissed off a few people who called the cops. They missed us though because we got the hell out of there, the other two shots are from I5 in downtown Seattle where we had fun anywhere we could find a bridge or tunnel.
police scanners are only illigal in some states, and if you are a ham radio operator then it isnt illigal to have one in your car… my buddy is a ham in Minnesota where it is illigal to have a scanner in your car, but he is a ham and keeps a copy of the law in his glovebox, so whenever he gets pulled over he purposely puts his radio on the cop channel and turns it up and then when they question him he shows his ham license and a copy of the law and they cant do anything except grumble lol