
Like scaredu become a post whore. Teach you the ways, will he. Herh herh herh.

How many posts is a Senior member anyway? lol

100 then 500 for godfather :wink:

Ill have 100 in no time, but 500 =/ not any time soon.

just keep whoring and ull get there

yeah whore! GO GO GO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (post 376)

Ok I offically nominate scaredu for being the whore of herpes and vesion the whore of aids. Thank you :wink:

You cant nominate anyone… Your not even a senior member…lol


Dammit lol.

your at 69 DOOD!

yea i would just stay there…lol

then i nominate! booya

Not a chance bud. :wink:

Nominate all you want…
Only Godfathers can vote…LOL

how many posts does it take to get out of newbie or now junior member?

posting messages is fun and helps you gain levels but where’s the air management information…lol?

well unfortunately no one here has any air management questions… so we might as well post something

^ What he said.

yea i think this section should get turned into something else