Sound clips for individual K-bells?

A while back, I separated my K3HA using remote mounts from RTH in order to hide them underneath my Land Cruiser.

The kit came with 5 mounts, so I’m looking to pick up a pair of bells to mount on my XB daily $h!tbox :o

Thing is, I don’t know which bells to choose :confused:

Does anyone have soundbites for each of the most common K bells?

I had bells #1 and #3 on my car. It sounded okay! But it sounded more like a truck horn instead of a train horn. I added a #2 bell later, to get the true K3 sound :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info :cool:

Space is kinda limited, so I might end up going with the smaller bells just based on size.

Doesn’t really need to sound like a train, just as long as it’s ear bleeding loud cause the folks that drive like idiots in the Bronx don’t even flinch when I lay into my dinky stock horn :rolleyes: