Stinky on a tunnel run!!

Hey peeps,

We had our first tunnel run of 2010 last weekend. We basically drive through all the tunnels of london, we had almost 300 Jap performance cars there and raised over £2600 for Kidney research:D

There is an underground roundabout called the Westferry Roundabout and here I am once again giving it some with the Horns!

Nice horn action; and even for a good cause! :cool:

Thumbs up dude

Nice video man
You gotta love an underground roundabout!
I think that would be more intense than a straight tunnel or parking garage.

You must have a way to prop your bed cover open…?

omg awesome sounds orgasmic!! pete, you should set up like a huge 20 gal tank just for a go through that tunnel so by the time you come back around the echo wont be fading anymore but getting louder hahaha it’d be sick.

two thumbs way
up stinky honking
for sumthing good
is always the bigist
peace bro

I have actuators on the truck! a flick of the switch and the bed cover lifts up! a flick of the switch and i can lower it again! great for scares!:smiley:

Well that’s just slicker than snot!

I’m making a flat bed cover that is flush with the rails.
Will probably just use gas shocks though.

awesome pete :slight_smile:
looks like it was a good turn out for a good cause

Mate it woz the nuts! The Horns got alot of attention!:smiley:

Great Videos!!!

Hahahaha cool beanz:D nice one matey