Stinkys Wedding...........

Hi Peep’s,

I just got married yesterday and sadly I’m in my country manor house hotel room, posting on the forum already!!!
I wanted my horns to be part of my wedding, so I drove my car fitted with Shockers to the wedding venue carpark and left it there.
Then went home to get changed ready for my mad mate to come & pick me & my brother up in his 400bhp Subaru impreza (See pic) we had the car stickered up for the event in pink lettering to kinda match my attire.

And un-beknown to me, as we pulled over to put the balloons on the rear spoiler, my wifes wedding car (rolls royce) rolled past with her having to duck down so I did not see her!

We got to the registry office for the ceremony and all the guest started arriving and taking their seats, The service began…

Then came to the part where the registrar says the following words, " Does anyone know any just cause or impediment why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony?" … at that point I pressed my remote control key fob that was hidden in my hand “da-dada-dada-da-da” … People jumped :eek: and then the place slowly erupted into laughter and applause lol lol lol.

We did capture it all on video so I will post that up some time soon, when I’m back from my honeymoon.:smiley:

Awesome… Congrats man

Thanks mate:D

Haha that’s great! Looking forward to the video.
Congrats on tying the knot.

Cheers E2E:D


:smiley: Thanks Dan.

I can just imagine it now. “Does anyone know any just cause or impediment why these two should not be joined in holy BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM” lol. I wish I lived near there I could have drove by and hit my shockers as well. Congrats on getting married!!! Now I need to find a woman that would put up with me and my horns. ROFL!

women cost money and i dont like that :frowning: ill stay single for a bunch more years

however congrats :slight_smile:

Roflmao… They have their good points too lol, thanks for the congrats :slight_smile:

Congrats brotha… I will say I did this about 3 years ago and I’m still happy :wink:

I really hope you aren’t planning on checking this site while you are on a honeymoon…

Thanks matey,
Pmsl… ermmmmmm… yeah we have wifi at the Hotel, so whilst the new Mrs Stinkypete is showering, I’m having a cheeky flick thru on here from the greek Island of Rhodes lol:D

Some people are addicted…LOL

Hahahahaha …cheers lol :smiley:

Congrats man…any pics of rolls royce?

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Thanks mate, :smiley:

Yeah there are some pics of the roller, but I aint seen them yet, we gotta view our wedding pics next week.:smiley:

Mate here’s a pic my bro took of the roller, we have not seen the official pictures yet.

Me and my mates car…lol

Haha nice…looks like good time…

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Awesome Congrats!

Out of all the pics and videos, I haven’t seen one of Stinky’s wife without her being partially blocked or looking the other way. Come on Stinky, whether she’s beautiful (more than likely) or not we won’t say anything derogatory (except sarcastically)…LOL. After all, this thread is about a wedding and most pics will be of the bride & groom. If she wants to stay anonymous, we’ll understand.