Stock vs Modified K5LA

so im guessing you don’t think it s a good idea? lol

Probably not going to modify mine, but hold nothing against those who do.
Just trying to stay out of it, because there are some strong opinions.

That said, I totally understand people modifying all kinds of things.
People put amplifiers on stock speakers even though they were not “engineered” for it. We can make it better. I have a car in my garage that’s all sorts of cut up. Ford didn’t “engineer” it the way I want it…lol It is being used different than what they intended. I’m pretty sure we’re using our horns different that they were intended…lol

Another thing. People talk about different size orifices on stock horns. They say “maybe they were drilled out at the factory” -or- “they were for a different customer”… Then a Nathan enthusiast will speak up with “no they wouldn’t do that because if they were any louder it would break the noise ordinances.” Well, isn’t that what we want?

Truth is we don’t know what the limiting factors were when the horns were designed. Was it loudness? Was it tone? Was it wear on the diaphrams or nozzle??? We don’t know.

oops maybe I didn’t stay out of it. lol

lol well its like anything we get. we want to try to make it better by changing it. no matter what someone out there will change something that came from the factory the way it did. its all personal preference IMO. glad to see someone with an open mind about it and not bash and talk down to someone that does it, like its the end of the world or something.

In case you didn’t see my response to your post in the other thread, I’ll post it here too…

Here are a couple pics comparing stock ports to drilled ports, courtesy of Curt S (I hope he doesn’t mind me posting his pics)…

Base of the trumpet:

Underneath the ring inside of the back caps:

See how you can’t make the hole inside the horn ~much~ bigger?

I can barely tell a difference in the hole on the second pix

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