Stock vs Modified K5LA

I made a vid today of 2 K5LA’s. One being stock on the inner air passages, and one bored out. I have seen a ton of posts about this but never a vid. The difference although slight, is the same in person as on camera.

The tone definetly changes…how much air were you running through them? I’d say it’s hard to gauge more loudness with them, because, as known with 1 1/2" port, a K5 is a bit starved compared to a K3 because of more bells…so boring them out would probably make an even larger difference with more air. Great video, the modded one sounds a lot…more monster like

I was pushing 120 to them. From a 200 gallon air tank through 30 feet of 1 inch pipe to 20 feet of 1/3 inch hose. No loss of air or volume. hehe. I did this on my canon picture camera, need to get it on my vid camera. Doesnt do it justice for echoes.

What i can notice is when the modded ones go off there is a huge difference in the way they vibrate my bones. The stockers are just a tingle.

Here is a pic of whats behind the camera. Great place for horns. I can get a 5 sec echo, 3 sec. of silence then 4 more sec of a steady echo. Never heard that before until I started blowing them up here.

This spring the car is getting 2 k5la’s hahahahahaha.

Modded def. sounds Louder. And keeps a nice Sound too.

Good Job! :slight_smile:

yea nice job on modding that k5! sounds good but can the diaphrams hold up?

Use less air line…try to make as short as possible from reciever to horn.

I liked the modified better

I had this done on my original set from 05. After 3 years of abuse the diaphragms are still in great condition. I guess the key is to not go over 150psi.

how much larger do you make them? I dont want to loose the k3la sound but i want to here the difference.Like in the video.

As big as I can get them. I dont have the drill size off hand. But do both Vertical and horizontal ports.

In my vids you can here k3’s drilled.
click link in my sig.

Which one is it? nd which port do i drill the one on the bell of the horn and on the manifold

The inside ports of the horn. Do the flange hole first, then do the hole in the back of the horn. This way you can watch the bit come through the horn and not drill out through the front. BTW do not do this to p series horns. I learned the hard way.

You can see in this pic the size of the hole next to stock… This is as large as you can get them.

what do u meen by the hole in the back. and shuld i do them both the same size? Thanks for the pic too!

Nice job. Nobody would ever suspect a little Lancer as the source of so much noise.

WOW you made the holes a lot bigger, the 2 of my horns I bored out was only about a size or 2 up from what was there, those holes are huge:D

Jeep, the other hole meaning when you pull the diaphragm and circular air distribution plate. (Cant think of the correct name.) Then you’ll see the supply hole. Click.
When I get you the pics of that stuff tonight I will get the bit size.

Superduty, thanks, Somehow I will mount to 2 K5’s under there soon. Time to cut the spare tire well out, weld a flat plate in there, and get run flats. Then I guess its time add a couple hundred horse to compensate for weight. hehe.

Adas. I started out stepping up every other size, till I got to the point of the as large as they will go. I not once ever heard a squeal come from them. On any size. Lucilky I have enough vids to prove it. But I guess I should say do it at your own risk. I dont advocate anyone doing it. Blah,blah,blah.

Alright i understand that now, And awesome man

i understand drilling out the inlet hole on the bottom where it bolts to the manifold. havent really understand the other place to drill out…

yes, please clarify where to drill the second hole, Curt.

Curt hasn’t been around for a while…
but if you take the diffuser ring off inside the horn, you can see the hole where the air enters the chamber. It intersects the other hole from the bottom flange.

The hole in the chamber is already much larger than the infeed hole in the bottom flange.

BTW - I’m only providing info - not saying do it or don’t do it.