Strobe lights

hey guys are Strobe lights illegal in florida??? i am thinking of getting some

Yes, you can have Clear and Amber colored Flashing warning devices. ALTHO if you are moving you can be cited with the same citation for driving with your 4ways(hazards) on.

thank you bud… i won’t put some then… i don’t want any more tickets…

You are fine as long as you are not moving, and most cops dont know that you can run with them on, if all fails tell them you work in construction

thats the truth, do you know how many constrution workers forget to turn them off when there done using them… plus it helps if you are in the road for any reason… maybe blocking an accident before emergency services get there or my friend blocked a road for a tow truck pulling a car up and the cop thanked him.

i need a kit wich one do you think is a good kit and too expensive??

id reccomend a 90 watt, they also have some complete kits on ebay for like 90 bucks shipped… they have to work as well… its the brightness… here is the link|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

call hornblasters and ask them how much their 90W strobe kits are. they’re easy to install and they’re bright. I put some on my police car. I posted a video on here last week

definitely… hornblasters! how much are your kits if you could post up here???

Whelen or Hornblasters is the way to go.

the hornblasters strobes are out of stock on the website… i will give them a call… Thanks guys

looks like it is gonna be whelen. i just talked to the man at hornblasters and he said they are out of them.

what about this one… another stupid question how do i control them? i mean turn them on/off faster flash/slower flash u know

i like LED strobes more than the traditional ones

i will get the whelen 90w… and then i will buy two led strobe for the front of the car (white ones!)

My silver truck is sponsored by whelen. i have traditional strobes and Led’s I like them both.

nice… do you have a pic’s of the led’s and strobe lights??? thanks

I have movies but they do no justice. I will see what I can do for you, it will be tomorrow because it raining.

These are older, but still the same set up. I will get some new pictures.