tank / comp. opinions...

So going off of this deal that rigo has, im considering upgrading to a 8.5 gallon tank… Thing is i dont have enough $ to get tank and a bigger compressor / or duals…

so as of right now i have a viair 380c and 3 gal. tank… which the compressor has no prob at all filling, does it very quick on refill… For the time being , would i be ok to use the single 380c on the 8.5 gal , or is that just asking for trouble until i get a bigge compressor or duals…

Also i only have a 150psi pressure switch, so its not like im even working this thing to the full extreme of 200…

Or should i just scratch the idea and go with a 5gal?:confused::confused:

i gots a 5 gal and a 380…let me tell u it takes some time to fill up lol…just keep savin and do a daul… im going to be gettin a dual and bigger tank also

Go with the 5 gallon and keep the 380c and try to get a 480c so u will have two nice compressors the 8.5 will be for a k3 or a k5 but just for the s4 the 5 gal is good

Yea , thats what i’ll prob do is jsut go with a 5 gal… thanx for the opinions.

viair rec. at least 1 compressor per 5 gallons of air.

and a fill up from 0-200 psi on a 5 gallon tank should take about 14-15 minutes…

im not sure but when u run more than 5 gallons of air on a single compressor dosent this void your warranty…??

yea, i know 1 compressor per 5 gal is recommended but i was thought i might be able to get by for time being… i knew what the correct answer was in first place but was hoping it might of worked, lol…

Im just gonna go with a 5 gal tank, i gotta redo my setup once the weather breaks…

o okay…

you might get by for time being if you don’t completely drain your tank but be careful!

Only if you damage the compressor from operation over its rated duty cycle…

Keep in mind, the warranty isn’t a license to abuse your pumps. Its a Manufacturer’s Defect Warranty. If we built it wrong or something wasn’t assembled correctly - we’ll repair or replace it. If you beat the snot out of it, its all yours and you can repair it with parts available for all of our compressors. Moral of the story, take care of your shiz!