tank question

Hey guys, I’m running a small 1 gallon tank with a pressure switch and the compressor main running to it, although i want to add another 1 gallon tank, now would it be do-able to run a line from my main tank, to another tank and still have everything be okay pressure-switch wise?


i believe that would be fine, but if anyone disagrees please speak up!!!

It would be fine that way. I had my setup with a 5 gal tank and a 4 gal tank like that and had no problems. :slight_smile:

Just like in series, not paralleled and everything was fine?

Ya u just hook one air line between the tanks to link them the air pressure will build up in both tanks at the same time just make sure if ur using big air tanks u have a compressor that has 100%duty cycle (which means it can run for long time with out hurting the compressor.) Ur only running to small tanks so u ll be ok with ur compressor setup.U only need one pressure switch like u have already. Make sure u check for any leaks and use Teflon tape on all ur air line fittings.

sweet, sounds good! thanks for the help =]

Wlcm why were here to help others :smiley:

thats right any time :smiley:

It will work fine as long as the tanks don’t have an obstruction between. A hose or pipe nipple work great.

what do you mean by an obstruction?

He just means like a kink(bend the blocks air flow) in the air line or anything inside the airline that could block it from flowing air from passing threw it
