What’s up guys, I have the conductors special (2 gal tank 150psi comp) you know the specs I drained the tank with the horns on my way home from work and the tank never filled back up. I checked the fuse and my grounds both good. The valve opens but the compressor just won’t run
Can someone help me out please cause I feel naked with my horns not workin.
Sounds like a relay problem, or a pressure switch problem.
First, run your compressor direct to power. As long as it turns on, you can eliminate the compressor from the equation. Next, test the relay to make sure it hasn’t burned out. Are you using the 90111 pressure switch with relay? If so, check for continuity - you may have fried the relay or pressure switch inside.
Ok lance thank you ill try it and no their is no relay in my setup i used what they gave me, its straight power with a fuse. The Pressure switch has a butt splice on it about 4 inches off the actual switch should i cut it there n see if the splice failed cause i squeezed it and the compessor souned like it was going to turn over.
wait you have a tank like my old one… i didnt use a relay either… u need to somehow feed strait power to the red line…if u got a extra cable run it strait from the batt to the red line… make sure ur ground is good.