taxi gets his own medicine

I was doing a right turn at an intersection and my lane was red. since I was making a right turn, it was ok but I was going slowly. when I turned, a jeepney was blocking the way so I very slowly changed lane to the left. a taxi came rushing by and was very impatient (very common around here) honked at me and wanted to pass me even if half my car is already in his lane. so he was like “meeep meeep meeeeep meeeeep meeeeeeeeeeep meeeep!!!” you get the idea. hehe so when both our windows lined up, I saw both of us have our windows down. he looked at me with an angry face, I gave him a blank stare, then gave him several long honks and he froze. I was able to go ahead of him and looked around at my mirrors a little later and didn’t see him anywhere. :rolleyes:

ahaa nice honking taxi drivers

Taxi drivers hate everyone that’s not paying them to drive around

Since you mentioned Jeepney, you must be in the Philippines.

Haha thats awesome! I mostly just mess with people, but it’s so satisfying when someones being a jerk on the road and you get even via ear-rape

in our case, everyone that’s not a taxi driver hates taxi, bus and jeepney drivers. :smiley:

yup. that is correct. I saw your setup. I want to hear it in person. :rolleyes:

yeah. I usually use my stock horns as a way of “asking nicely” but if they don’t listen to it, then I use the horns. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah. I usually use my stock horns as a way of “asking nicely” but if they don’t listen to it, then I use the horns. :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too!! Actually wait… no I don’t lol :smiley: