the shocker vid

i laphed my oven off when i heard this thinkin about the shocker sticker on the back of my truck! lol

Lol… Wots the shocker Vid?:confused:

But talking of Shocker stickers, I had a young lady in my truck that I have kinda started seeing, she is a skool teacher with very high morals, she asked me wot the hand signal sticker ment… I could’nt tell her… the next time I saw her, she said she had googled the shocker sign (not quite sure how), but she asked me the next time I saw her, if I woz into that sort of thing??? lol… I changed the subject pronto!!!:eek:

^^ LMAO - Are you into that sort of thing…

you cud had sead
ill leave it thare.


“Let’s just say that my forum name is StinkyPete…” LOL

bingo lol.:d

why not just tell her the truth…? that you’re rep’n hornblasters or something like that and show her your k3. is it because of her high morals?? heh, go honking together. it could be a bonding experience in the soon-to-be relationship :wink: