This guys setup

This is kinda weird, this guy name is ed like mine, we both drive avalanches and we both love train horns… but hes waaaaaaaaaayyy more ahead of me…hes being collecting horns since early 70s…b4 i was born…haha but look at his setups…

scaredu, has the big tank in the back have a compressor for it or is it just a holding tank. I saw the compressor under the hood. next , in the second pic what are the horns on the drivers and passenger sides? the center set looks like a k5 minus a bell,maybe just the photo angle maybe?

this is what he emailed me

I’m running 45 gallons. The compressor is an Oasis HP 1000. unlike your rig, my horn honking equipment is made to be removed when not in use, except for the compressor which is mounted under the hood, I only use the RR. Horns at demo’s not the street. The Grover airhorns on the rack use a small 7 gallon tank under the truck.

Ill ask him to name all his horns and too see if he would like to check out this forum…

thanks scaredu!:slight_smile:

He won’t be checking out this forum. He is a collector and doesn’t approve of people riding around scaring people with their horns. And the horn on the driver side is a Nathan M5 and the horn on the pass. side is a Nathan M3. Oh, and he has a ton of horns, it would take ALOT to name them all off.

Yea i didnt think he would check it out, but i gave him the site name anyways… I mean we are all fans of train horns… we just have different purposes for em…
And i know he has a +BOATLOAD+ of horns… hes been collecting since 68…

Yeah, I had a pic somewhere of some of his collection. I’ll see if I can find it… here they are… scroll down to the 4th-7th pics.

yeah ive seen all his pics before…

Have u seen the pic of his nathan p7-x? that thing looks serious!! lol

Yeah, I talk to him over on a collectors forum every now and again.

Oh thats cool… He replied to some of my emails… He seems like a cool guy… Altho he probably doesnt approve of how i use them…

lol no, most collectors wouldn’t. Are you on s10forum?

yeah im on s10forum as well…

Oh okay, thought your truck looked familiar. My brother is on there too (rockyroad217). I’m on there too but I’m not very accepted (since I don’t have an S10) except in the Arkansas thread so I don’t post much haha

haha i dont have an s10 either… I did, but sold it…
I just go on there when im bored, or need to sell something or lookin to buy sumtin… but thats bout it…

Who cares if he dosent approve lol Horns are ment to be blown!

we are not scareing beople but just warning those people walking by us that we are coming through… we just happen to catch it on film :smiley:

too bad he isnt on these forums, he could use a few pointers in proper air management. Not to put down his system at all, but there are a few areas that could be improved for better reliability/safety.

Such as? He’s been mounting locomotive horns on his truck and doing runbys for many, many years.

all of his stuff is removeable… he only mounts it for shows and demos