Train Horn Install Houston

Does anyone know of a place in Houston that will install my train horn? Most of it is done but I bought a new compressor and tank and need it installed inside my tool box in the bed of the truck. I am tired of messing with it. I have tried compression fittings, quick connects, different hoses etc… I can NOT get it to stop leaking at the fittings.

Any one know of a shop in Houston that would mess with it?

dont give up now!!! use teflon tape, and a screwable fitting! or just keep trying you’ll get it!

loctite 545 sealant. expensive, yet works miracles. had the same problem with mine leaking but now i can fill the tank, come back a week later and still have the same pressure i left it at.

What type of hose and fittings are ya’ll using? When using the compression fittings and the nylon hose, do you crank down on them until you can’t anymore? When do you know when to stop?

Tighten it so its snug… get a water / soap mixture in a spray bottle and mist it on… if u see no bubbles , its good to go… if you see bubbles , tighten till u see no bubbles…