Train horn on an electric car

Train horn on some startup company’s/DIY electric car.
They describe it as a fog horn but clearly it’s the Shockers. Lots of views on this video!

I sure would like to see an install video of a train horn setup on a Model S. You could easily fit the compressor/tank in the frunk. The future AWD version I think will have a bit less of a frunk with the front motor. A Chevy Volt install would be cool too.

PS: Mods or Ear2Ear I sent you a PM a while ago but you might not have gotten it. My account got it’s signature wiped and i have no PM inbox or sent box (or drafts if I had one) for months now. It appears that I can send PMs but haven’t gotten any responses yet. My post count has been reset too. Oh, and I can’t find any posts I made before September 1st of this year

Deja vu :rolleyes:

Whoops, the 1 thread I didn’t open.