ukz28 meets StinkyPete

Filmed at Brands Hatch SpeedFest 2014
After the final race had been run i finally met up with Stinkypete
And i must say Pete is a top bloke and we did a bit of a blast poss the 1st ever time two K5’s have been heard side by side in the UK :smiley:

Istill cant get it to display like blowout bobs vid :frowning: so heres the link

This is Pete leavin after our meet up

Just one more just one more blast !!! It did come but only after i stopped filming and pete was on the main road which was behind me :wink:

It’s about time. :cool:

Hahahahahahaha Quality!!! Nice one Stu :slight_smile: I couldn’t blast again as I drove off out of sight, there was a small convoy of women pushing buggies walking along, I was gagging to hit the button again for a final long blast, but just could not bring myself to do it loooooool :smiley:

And yeah Dan, it was about time lol:cool:

I’ll get my vid loaded up ASAP :smiley:

Wish I lived over there in the UK. I would have drained the tank through the K5’s :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to drain my 20 gallons but felt a bit bad for the mum n kids walking past + the guy hooking up his caravan :eek:

Pete how’s yer aldi broadband/dialup??
still uploading I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheeky so & so “aldi broadband dial up”! Lol lol

If truth be known, I seem to have mislaid my camera??? Strange thing is I also am missing a bottle of my fav aftershave, I have checked in the truck numerous times last weekend, I am guessing they are in a bag or something, somewhere? It’s most likely that my little daughter has them squirrelled away in a secret hiding place, as she often does. She hid my wife’s smart car keys once, three days later they were found tucked in a shoe in the porch!
As soon as I find the camera, I will get it up loaded :smiley: