Unique scare lol

So I didn’t even need to use the horn for this one. Hahaha I’m laughing just thinking about it. So I was driving my mom to the airport the other day and she was loading her bag in the trunk…next to my tank. I was getting a little nervous, and she knew it, but she kept going. Well, a strap on her bag caught the pin that, when pulled, empties out the tank lol. Gsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol. She nearly jumped out of her skin lol. It was priceless.

men i did that to my mom and my dad once lol my dad was driving my car and my mom was beside him i open the trunk and i pull that thing and samething they both scare the poop out lol

Dude, you gotta change your picture… I know you Ford guy’s can do better than that!


well he maybe a “HOG HUNTER” but actually it’s a definate testimonial to the strength of the ford’s tailgate with those 2 beast sitting on it :eek: my personal opinion is they are grotesque to look at.

Worst thing that can happen----is you go to a apartment complex to honk for a friend and your solenoid goes out and you have a 20 gallon tank that is filled up and a k5la blowing like crazy…thats even worse…

3 AM, K5LLA, 12 gallon tank, 1/2" solenoid…somehow that 350 psi couldn’t hold back any longer…the “ahh” feeling when you know your really passed out, and then “WHOOOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…etc” and at the same time its you running out in the garage to turn it off the best way you can, noticed that your horn button just wont turn it off, pop your hood…try to remember with relay makes it shut off the stock button, 4 minutes later, still going…finally pulled the positive off the battery.
mom and day pop up out the door, “what kinda f-ing alarm is that?! its in the garage son, turn that s-t off!”