Very Cold here

hello everbody.
I’m new to Train horns and was wondering how to properly install for very cold cliamate.Colorado high country. I’m thinking of having grade to the lines back to tank, to allow draining and prevent freezing. is the auto drain a must? or will it just freeze and break? I’ve heard of antifreeze in system but how does it stay in there. Is a water filter a good idea or an ice cube waiting to happen. Should I put a manual back up ball valve to isolate system.(I’m concerned i will honk and it will freeze open-on). Thanks
-Hornblaster Shocker 540
-2003 F-350 cclb

There’s always an issue with cold weather and freezing lines. Antifreeze will help but you have to occasionally add just a little in your tank. A coalescing filter is a good idea for removing moisture but I’m not sure what happens if it freezes.

Put your system all together in a compartment and let the heat from compressor warm things up. That won’t help the air lines to your horns but the antifreeze will.

Thanks, How about putting air intake under hood.insulated compressor would get to hot?how/where do u put antifreeze in.add to tank often I think. Thanks for the replie I. Was starting to wonder.

Under the hood can be a good place. Some people have use a hose barb with a 5/8" heater hose on the intake side and tied it into the vehicles intake system.

I would occasionally depressurize the tank and add the antifreeze in one of the ports. I seem to remember reading a tablespoon full should last for while but i don’t know how long.

berrr lol Welcome
to the forum’s
you got a Shocker set up sweet if you
have a tannoe cover
or cap you can mount your air kit
in the bed if you
dont have eather
i herd sum guys
use tool boxs you
can give the antifreeze trick i try.

cold weather sucks!!! moisture froze up my drain valve and cracked it. came outside my truck was layed out and shooting all air out of tank. had to get a lift to home depot for a cap to shut off that valve

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I was thinking about a drain solenoid and the cold weather.
The water purposely drains to & sits in the valve - hence your problem.
Maybe use a ball valve before the solenoid.
Only open it when you know the water is liquid and activate the solenoid.
Then close it to keep water off the solenoid valve…At least you don’t need any tools.

Or use plenty of antifreeze…lol

theres no solenoid where it froze. it was at the bottom port where i have a manual drain valve. the valve mechanism broke and let all the air out…

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Thanks guys, I got every thing installed, didnt do anything that special for the cold. put compresor above exahust pipe. Installed air line with grade back to tank to allow it to drain moistue. I installed a manual ball valve to allow easy draining of tank. And a seperat cut of switch in pressure switch line so i can keep compressor off when doing cold truck start. What kind of antifreeze would you recomend. Any ideas on how to add eaisily to tank. all my ports that are accesible are on the bottom of tank. I cant just pour it in. I am imagining a air seperator with antifreeze in it,modified it so it allows fluid to enter system. ant ideas would be great. how about the compressor intake. is this a bad spot. i think between compressor and tank.
Ive been using my horns. 17 degrees yesterday and snowing. i know i got moistue staring to collect and dont want to ruin my new toy.

Ive had this issue living in buffalo ny too… Ive been tempted to add antifreeze butg i am worried its going to eat away at the solenoid seals… Once you develop a crack or pin hole in it , it will loose its back pressure and the solenoid will open… Happened before, sucked…