Viair 280c

lol… ten minutes!! offficially the 3rd to call you crazy!

Yea yall are right it does take a long time i just got the setup as a christmas present. It came with united pacific horns and they werent loud enough so i got the k3… i just dont really want to spend anymore money on the horns right now.

whatever floats ur boat man and as long as u r happy with it

um ? do u have to wire any diffrently for them to run the same cycle be cuse i had the ? about the oaisis pump i got the compressor that comes with s4 shocker kit now i got a bigger tank and airline do get another compressor to run duels or do i get the big 3 1/2 oaisis compressor u guys r the pros im the joe lol just want most honk for my paper lol holla back plz–james

That depends on how much you’re willing to spend and how much you want to blow those horns. You want at least 1 more of the compressors that come with the kit since they have a 5 gallon warranty limit per compressor. 2 of those compressors will take awhile to fill that tank though.

The Oasis XD3000 doesn’t have a tank size limit and will fill 10 gallons to 200 PSI in about 2 minutes so how often do you want to blow the horns?

well dan i only honk sometimes if a old fart pulls out in front or a punk kid is being gay or something where their is a large group not that much but about my buddy sez that he has a oaisis that was false it is the az red compressor he sez he used it on same set up as mine and had no problem and it filled with in 3 min or so wut u think ??

I’d say he’s either using several of those compressors, not filling to 200 PSI or that’s just the top off time. If he’s completely filling 10 gallons to 200 PSI in 3 minutes with 1 compressor, then it’s going to cost almost as much as ours and we have some competition on our hands.

lol well that comming from same guy that said he had a oaisis too so i dont know well see i didnt know how much stuff u got to know about this hobby it has bitten me now lol