Weather Damage

My horns, solenoid, and compressor had snow flung onto them forming an ice block, with… horns, solenoid, and a compressor inside.

Any idea if snow (or when snow melts) will damage this stuff? Nothing shorted yet (fuse hasn’t blown, valves still click.

Wow…You should be fine once the ice melts…Only time can tell. What kit did you purchase?

id at least move the compressor somewhere else…

FYI - I have seen VIAIR compressors submerged and then frozen in a block of ice. When thawed out, the compressors worked just fine. I’ll see if I can find the photo, it was amazing!

Depending on what kit you got, for the horns u can let it melt and then blast it a few times to get it all out

Hey lance find them photos…

I would let them thaw out a little bit. Back in December, Seattle had a HORRIBLE snow storm and so much slush and snow got on my horns and airlines. I didn’t realize it until I tried honking them and it sounded like some old guy farting lol. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU I thought that I had blown some airline or that the ice had damaged the horns, but after a few days of warmer weather, they started working fine again. Be careful though.

^^ i had the same problem when i went to the beach…sand and wind got up in the horn…

damn WIND gets into my HORNS too… and when it gets BREEZY only 2 HORNS work…
should i mount THEM in the car?

i cant stop laughing

You guys know what i mean…when its windy it blows the sand and the sand gets in to the bells…