well... its been fun

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that was pretty interesting. Its almost hard to believe they would do that just because EVERYONE would suffer from it. but what do I know, its something to think about

Haha u hear the train horn in the background? lol

Well u know what ima do… Spend all my dollars now…Buy TONS AND TONS of weapons and ammo… because when people go crazy and start tryin to loot ur house… Ur gonna need stuf to protect ur family… word!

NRA all the way - “until they pry it it from my cold dead hands”

People nothin!!

You have to stockpile all the guns & ammo for the zombie invasion!!!

x2…thats what i like to see!

I’m sorry but the last thing a government wants is to instill any sense of panic in the general population. The overall deficit, and the trade deficit are important, but throughout the history of the U.S. the government has run deficits in times of war or economic stagnation. While there are arguments on both sides as to the issue of backing paper currency with either gold or silver, one of the reasons the government got away from backed currencies is that the Federal Reserve (independent of dems, republicans, executive or legislative branches, etc.) can control the money supply by changing discount and federal funds rates, to curb inflation or stimulate spending, as the case may be. There are substantially more safeguards and controls in place now compared with the economic crashes of the early 1930’s. Recall the 1980’s, during the tail end of the Carter administration and into the Reagan administration when the Fed successfully fought of “stagflation” by raising interest rates. Mortgages for example, were painfully high at 18+ %. But within a few years the economy righted itself. Over time, this does cheapen currency, but we end up paying back foreign debt with deflated dollars.

Nearly all significant foreign markets trade in the currency of the US$. No foreign country, save for some sabre rattling from Iran, is talking about dumping the $. I don’t know what this guy’s angle is but it would seriously take YEARS to change the system over, even if there was a global inclination to do so.

I’m no economics guru, but I do read the Wall Street Journal every day. If there was any significant interest in dumping the $, people would be making their moves now. It isn’t happening.

Worry instead about keeping your job, and keeping and maintaining a diversified 401k portfolio.

And yeah, I noticed the train horn in the background toward the end of the video too!


Be well

Smart Man…I agree. it sucks though, my 401k has taken a major thumping…

i had a 401k… then i quit the job, and before the economy was fucked, my 401k made over 3000 profit just by the stocks i had selected… then when i saw the economy start to fail, i lost 300 bucks on my 401 and immediately rolled that poop into an IRA which is doin way better then the 401k…
But im bout to start a second saving not in a bank, and just put it all in a safe at my house…


Probably not a bad idea at all. From what I’ve read, most folks are expecting the real estate market to bottom out around mid-2009. Once that happens the financial markets should be on more solid footing, and that might be a good time to reinvest into an investment account, try to catch the wave :slight_smile:

I transfered my 401K to a stable fund and still lost half of my savings. When would be a good time to go back to agressive funds?

I’m not an investment guru but here is an interesting link for you about a guy who has made $ in the current “down” market …


FYI, the following is the best explanation I’ve seen for the current financial mess we’re all in right now, from a recent segment on CBS 60 minutes …


I used to work for a very wealthy family. We hired a top named investment consulting firm to develop a conservative plan for them. It was designed to return 8% - 14% consistently over time. It went like this:

40% US Large Cap Equities (1/2 growth, 1/2 value)
30% US Small Cap Equities (1/2 growth, 1/2 value)
15% US Corporate Bonds
10% International Equities (1/2 growth, 1/2 value)
5% Hedge funds/real estate

There was no market timing. Just get in and rebalance once each year. It won’t generate maximum returns but it is designed to preserve and build capital, and grow long term. Hope that’s helpful

Thank you!