What cellphone and Carrier you rockin


Blackberry storm

Family plan of 1400 min with mom dad and bro unlimted txt and blackberry internet

what do u have?

Metro PCS $55 Dollars a Month Unlimited Text, Calling, Internet BlackBerry 8830 World Edition!!! :slight_smile:

Verizon… LG DARE

ATT using the Samsung Rugby, i got tired of breaking my phones detailing cars. * Military Spec 810F: resistant to shock, vibration, rain, humidity, solar radiation, altitude, and temperature extremes. Built for use in rough environments. Functions in blowing rain, freezing temperatures and other harsh outdoor conditions. I have GPS and i can tether to my laptop. Yea it kicksass

VZW Storm here as well…

at&t iphone 3G 16gb

Blackberry curve…8350i Nextel Unlimited everything.

Representing Sprint here!!

Touch Diamond…

1000 mins, Unlimted Data, Unlimited messaging of anytime, nights and weekends start at 5pm, no roaming…

all for about 34 after taxes.

x2!!! and i LOVE it!

any complaints?

Other than wishing VZW would upgrade the approved OS, not really.
I have a rare, but untimely re-boot every so often, but otherwise - its been a great phone. I get a whole lot more done now, than before I carried a smartphone. -Which means I get more of my life back.

Verizon, 1400 min family plan. Verizon had the best coverage in southern CA when I got it and I’m still happy with their service.

Pantec, unknown model number. It has a lot of capabilities but only used for phone. It even got drowned in a glass of vodka & seven up. I dunked it in water, rinsed it off really good, let it dry out (took about 4 to 5 days), and it’s working like a champ again.

alltell motorazr ve20 lol my cousin got an alltell unlimited minutes plan plan about 8-9 years ago and still has it like $39 a month lol

they are amazing phones

I’m phoneless :frowning: but when I did have a phone it was a Moto Razer with Rogers. I droped that honker in a 45 gallon drum of water one day, still worked like new… until I snapped it in half…

verizon lg voyager

sprint instinc thingy

AT&T iPhone

man mine is alredy slow. restarts on its own a bunch of times… i just dont like how u have to press down on the screen in order for it to recognize it. but hopefully ill get used to it…

whats ur pin?

I’ll PM my PIN to you.

BTW - I had two random shutdowns yesterday. I can go a month with none, but in one day I have two of them? Kinda retarded, and always while I’m using BB Messenger!