What kit to buy!

Whoo Whoooooooo

choo chooooooooo

Hey guys I sold Bryan aka Z3RO his kit. He purchased one of my favorite ones…the 20007! It’s a 200psi kit with a 2 gallon tank. Has a 380c on top. This is going to be an awesome kit for him. Thought I would let all of you know.


Great! Get some pictures of your install we also like pics during the install! =)

Well if you have the tank and compressor in the back of your Durango you can def hear it. The first couple times it went off my daughter yelled at me and told me to turn it off its to loud. Now she likes watching people get scared. I will be driving down the road and she will yell “Honk it Dad” gotta love 3 year olds haha. I’m moving into my new house this week and its about a 20 mile drive from town. Poor poor deer on the windy country road. Will def have to get some vids…

^^^^ just turn the radio up lol :D, then again I have an accord and can flip the seat up to muffle the sound.

submit ur videos for halloween contest

I gotta get the wife to let me drive around with Buck instead of taking the kids trick or treating. HMMM

It dosent have to be on halloween just an october made video

Is it better to have more psi.The 200 vs the 150 and if so what difference is it gonna make?

The more psi you have the more blasts you have. But the horns will be louder with a higher pitched sound.

Ok thanks.How do u like the HB4H?

As long as you dont hear a set of K5’s you’ll be fine :slight_smile: . I still love mine though they are loud enough to scare the pants off people. The K5s rock the ground though. But like I said mine are fine for what I want them for. You can’t beat them for the money. I would tell anyone who didnt want to spend the 2k for the K5s to def buy the HB4H.

If you look at Buckfever4life’s posts he has started, he has a comparison thread of our systems.

agreed …

x2, just wait till you hear a real train horn, you will be hooked…

yup… no goin back after a k5la…lol…then after 1…ur like, how many more can i fit on thie vehicle…lol

You can be like me and wait for your buddy who has the HB4H set and drops the 2k on the K5’s and you get a great deal on the old set. :slight_smile:

poop ill sell him my k5 for 2k…lol

he’s not jokin…i hear Amtrak’s K5’s beautiful blast every morning from across the highway and decided the hb4h needed to retire…