What should I expect?

Success! First off, thank you all for the help. Second, I’m ashamed of myself for what you see in this picture. I figured I’d check my tank for moisture build-up, but what I got was about a pint of cold rusty water. I’m thinking that may have contributed to the problem. My only other question is, when I purge my tank on a monthly basis now, how should I do it? Should I just unscrew the opening at the bottom or should I do that and pull the pin on top? That was insane. Also, I noticed that it took a little over 8 minutes to go from empty to full. Is that something I should be worried about? Thanks again for the help!

You need a petcock…
…and change your diaper more often.:o

Petcock=drain valve

Good news! Don’t get too shocked by the rust. It’s all part and parcel of running a steel tank and nothing to worry about. You won’t get that same kind of muck inside an alloy or stainless tank, but you can see now why you don’t want stuff like valves or pressure switches sitting at the base of your tank.

When you have a lot of humid weather, just get in a regular habit of draining the tank. You’ll have to use the tap at the bottom. If you just pull the relief valve up top, all you’ll do is release the air trapped in the tank. If you have some air pressure in the tank, purging the liquid inside is a quick job.

{EDIT} Heck… sorry, just realised you are running a small tank and I was looking at the wrong figures. Fill time for your tank should only be about five minutes max.

Have a look at the compressor chart to see how much quicker some of the other compressors are:

In case you saw the last post before my edit, apologies for leading you astray there. 8 minutes is OK for a 5 gallon tank with a Viair 280C, but you look like you only have a 2 gallon tank. That should fill up in about half that time.

Get yourself some good strong detergent/water mix and spray or wipe it across all your hose and tank fittings. Any bubbles that show up means you got leaks (which is what I’m suspecting)