whats up from colorado

thought i would stop in here before i say anything anywhere else. my name is jason, i live in southeast colorado and have been disturbing the peace for 18+ months here :smiley: hornblasters.com rocks! and so does this forum from what i’ve seen

Dude I used to live out there. I lived in Lafayette, pretty close to Boulder if u know where that is, where in southeast colorado are you from. oh btw Welcome to the forums

this little town called la junta. actually i have an aunt and uncle that live in lafayette haha small world

welcome to the forums…hope u stay awhile!

thats cool. it is a small world


beautiful state you got there, welcome

by the way just so you all dont think i’m runnin some siege engineering crap and polluting a badass forum…i’ve got an 01 tundra with the 5 gallon conductor kit but compressor took a crap, so i ordered a different one…then decided what the hell and found a set of K3HA’s they should be here the 3rd :slight_smile:

Hes one of us!!!