whats wrong with canadians

this was my chat with 4.3L5spd last night…wow the black man with the soap was priceless

lah33 logs into the Chat.
(01:04:08) 4.3L5spd: LAH
(01:04:10) 4.3L5spd: IM SO DRUNK
(01:04:16) 4.3L5spd: i CANT SNTDAD
(01:04:17) lah33: yo
(01:04:24) 4.3L5spd: WJAT;I[ BUDDY
(01:04:33) 4.3L5spd: I’M FUKCED
(01:04:36) 4.3L5spd: DUDDE
(01:04:40) 4.3L5spd: SOOO HAMMERED
(01:04:40) lah33: hahah
(01:04:44) 4.3L5spd: FLUUUUCK
(01:04:49) 4.3L5spd: TRASHED
(01:05:01) lah33: what are you doing
(01:05:01) 4.3L5spd: doooooo drunk
(01:05:08) 4.3L5spd: freeee drinks all niiight
(01:05:13) 4.3L5spd: vip man
(01:05:23) 4.3L5spd: hot ******* soo hammered
(01:05:29) lah33: your trashed huh
(01:05:33) 4.3L5spd: honk dude im so hammered
(01:05:37) lah33: you on vacatoin
(01:05:37) 4.3L5spd: yeah buddy
(01:05:46) 4.3L5spd: it’s a weeeeekenrd
(01:06:06) 4.3L5spd: is it a weekend
(01:06:11) 4.3L5spd: ???
(01:06:20) lah33: caause we know theres no hot ******* where you from
(01:06:31) 4.3L5spd: douche bag
(01:06:32) lah33: yeah its saturday
(01:06:34) 4.3L5spd: there is tons
(01:06:40) 4.3L5spd: sooo fucked
(01:06:50) 4.3L5spd: there was a black guy talking about pussty lol
(01:06:59) 4.3L5spd: i laughted at him
(01:07:01) lah33: whats pussty
(01:07:06) lah33: ?
(01:07:08) 4.3L5spd: honker wanted my muoney
(01:07:16) 4.3L5spd: pusssssy!!
(01:07:26) lah33: wht muoney
(01:07:50) 4.3L5spd: for washiung my hands man
(01:08:00) lah33: what??//
(01:08:00) 4.3L5spd: he wanted my money for puttin sopa on my handsssd’
(01:08:20) 4.3L5spd: lol douche bag fuckn black soap pputting on hands black man
(01:08:30) 4.3L5spd: hahhaha
(01:08:45) lah33: whyd he put soap on your hands
(01:08:55) lah33: thats kinda gay
(01:08:58) 4.3L5spd: he was a bathroom attendant
(01:09:02) 4.3L5spd: yea budyd
(01:09:12) lah33: whaaaat
(01:09:17) lah33: thats homo man
(01:09:20) 4.3L5spd: yeah dude
(01:09:52) 4.3L5spd: soo homo
(01:10:05) lah33: you give him any money
(01:10:12) 4.3L5spd: honk on
(01:10:14) 4.3L5spd: no
(01:10:19) 4.3L5spd: shitttfacedc dudre
(01:10:42) lah33: didnt bring a girl home?
(01:10:42) 4.3L5spd: soo hammered
(01:10:48) 4.3L5spd: too drunk
(01:10:51) 4.3L5spd: sooo many shots
(01:10:55) 4.3L5spd: n beerszzzzzz
(01:11:09) lah33: so you brought a guy?
(01:11:12) 4.3L5spd: 12234523 4 kbrreeers
(01:11:20) 4.3L5spd: honk noes
(01:11:25) 4.3L5spd: ewww
(01:11:30) 4.3L5spd: that’s nasty bud
(01:11:58) lah33: well idk bought you yankee doodle *************
(01:12:09) lah33: bout
(01:12:09) 4.3L5spd: yankeey doo.esess
(01:12:11) 4.3L5spd: honk noes
(01:12:16) 4.3L5spd: i’m candadina
(01:12:22) 4.3L5spd: canada
(01:12:24) 4.3L5spd: ftw
(01:12:36) lah33: yankee
(01:12:44) lah33: your a yankee
(01:13:36) lah33: you ok
(01:13:43) 4.3L5spd: no
(01:13:56) lah33: hey
(01:14:05) 4.3L5spd: u???
(01:14:09) 4.3L5spd: ??’???
(01:14:18) 4.3L5spd: twuzzzzzzup
(01:14:23) 4.3L5spd: ???
(01:14:44) lah33: how old are you
(01:15:22) 4.3L5spd: =olddd enogh ro know betttter
(01:15:26) 4.3L5spd: lolllllllllllllll

i think he passed out at this point



honk off dude I drank way more then I ever should have…

I kind of drank my weight in alcohol. Everyone was buying me drinks because it was my birthday on Tuesday.

About the black guy with the soap that guy was hilarious, they just started putting bathroom attendants in the bathrooms in CanadInns clubs. He was the pushiest guy I’ve met in a long time telling me to give him money because he put soap on my hands, so I could get pussy. I just laughed in his face and left…

lol they do that all the time in clubs down here


i laughed all night because of 4.3

darn, i wish i was on

lol. That was hilarious.

farmerehsan speaks the truth, everywhere in Florida has bathroom attendants now. Even Noodles Restaurant, but at least you get a stick of gum down here!

The attendants are just so underage people don’t sneak in the bathroom with a drink or flask.

ya but then u gotta tip em lol

The public ones in some of train stations in Europe used attendants when I was there in the early 80s. They didn’t bother anyone they just kept it clean & supplied and a lot of people tipped them.

They are pretty bad… it goes something like this

“Doin’ it all for the pussy pussy, yo yo man you try some of this for the pussy puss puss pussy pussy. You gonna get pussy pussy pussy pussy tonight!”
“I can soap my own hands, thanks.”
“But you wanna pussy pussy pussy!”
“I’m not tipping you.”
“Pussy juice pussy pussy!”

that’s not right and the management should know about it.

They do… it’s just that kind of club… I’m not going back.