Which direction to aim horns

sucks u had no horn…haha ya that always happens…lol i hate it when im driving someone elses car and i see soo many possibilites to scare people and i dont have my truck…

thats good to know! altho i wouldnt ever buy the otr anyways…
actually who would buy the otr?? lol worst idea ever…

People what want the sound but don’t want to worry about the law.

its not the sound i believe…its the way u use them u have to worry about the law… lol trust me ive had my share run in with some cops bout my horns…haha

I have family as deep as my granfather in the local PD he is on the chief’s staff(cabnit) and I have recived 11 tickits for my horns and sound system. All of which got thrown out but our local beat cops are asses. well most of them are, some are really good guys. I have made customers out of a few.

lisgennothing wrong with an oTR k5… take the reducer out… allen head… in the mounting frame… and you got yourself a real k5…

Thats not an accurate statement. Their only rated for 10CFM’s of air per horn, so, if your throwing 20-30 CFMs into each horn your wasting your money on the heavier lines, and fittings, 'cause they won’t produce more volume than their rated amount. Just like a air grinder, if it’s rated at 25 CFMs your not going to get any more power out of it, by forcing more than it’s rated capacity.

Actually, Yes. MORE AIR, MORE VOLUME. Sorry to bust the bubble. Ask anyone else here. We spend more money on out air source than the horns. AIR=VOLUME. Tried and true tested and proved.

shaun no matter how big of tank, air line or valve you have a horn will only let so many cfm through. If you put more “air volume” through the horn than the horn will let out it could damage the horn. Air volume makes a difference to a point but once you reach the max that the horn can handle you run the risk of damage.

If thats true, they need to throw the CFM equations out the window. I believe the more air pressure you have, the longer your horns can maintain it’s CFM integrity, but, the horns are not going to put out more CFMs than they’re rated at.

Well. See this is where I leave you guys behind. I have already blown my 3500’s Diaphragms into tiny little pieces. that is why i stacked 3 diaphragms. Now I can’t give them enough to break. and my P3 has never had a problem. it has all 3/4 stuff going to it.

Yes you run the risk of damage, But if it happens just take it as a gift to make it better.

Why 3/4? A train doesn’t even have lines that big. Plus, fyi, P horns are made to blow at lower PSI and less airflow. I’ve heard from many people that P horns sound best in the 80-100 PSI range with 1/2 inch hardware(that’s what I blow my P3 and P5 on). They actually sound horrible with high airflow and high PSI. Sorry if I’m sounding rude or anything, not trying to be, just a little FYI.

Oh and Johnny (I think he said this) was right. Over the road horns are normal train horns with a restrictor screwed into the inlet on the base. Just take it out and you have a normal K/P horn.

Mine Sound great. No squeal and are glass breaking loud.

I didn’t say they would squeal, just that they wouldn’t sound as intended. How much PSI are you running to them?

i wanna see a video!! haha

200 PSI. I also think it has something to do with the fact that they are graham white rebuilds.

my horns were 3100 dollers… and i only have about 1200 in the rest of my set up so… i dunnno about more in air then horns…

$3100?! What is it? A Kahlenberg?

Honda guy, he has TWO K5LA’s

got videos? hehe