Which Horn is this

So I found this random video on facebook. I have no idea what its even from. You only have to watch the first 30 secs… I was wondering what horn was on this semi. Hopefully, you can see the video without any problems.


Can’t see the horn, but my guess is on a K5LA

Dang, I typed out a post yesterday for this…must not have hit the button.

Anyway, here is the first result on Youtube when I searched K3LA:

Sounds pretty similar to me.

That’s a lot of air!!

Holy crap! He said in the comments he has a 30 gallon tank mounted for that video.

Blimey!! That means 6 compressors! Unless he fills the tank externally?:eek:

Probably an EDC

He fills the 30 gallon externally. He also does “train battles” and uses a full size tank from a shop floor compressor … sounds sweet!
