Who Want's To Give Me Some Guidance On My Setup?

you get what you pay for… well what you CAN afford, to pay for…

Well I’ve had good luck with the Viair stuff I’ve used in the past on my old Vehicles. Never had one crap out on me.

It’s just that the only thing I don’t like right now, is that even with just 5 Gallons, and the 1 480c, it takes it over 5 Minutes to fill up every Morning when I start my Truck. I should have gotten the 400c, it would take almost no time with that one.

…THEN I’m gonna get a bigger Tank. I found a 9 Gallon and a 12 Gallon. I can def. fit the 9 Gallon, dunno about the 12’er. But I also don’t wanna get the 9 and STILL not have enough Air. Nothing can go in my Bed, I actually use it, it all has to find somewhere to go under the Truck, but then, I already have things under there for the Engine, so I’m limited to space under there. So if I get the Bigger Tank, I’m then gonna run Dual Compressors, so now I’m gonna have even more stuff under there.

This Train Horn stuff is tuff when you wanna do it the right way.

it shouldn’t have to fill up every morning… if anything it should barely have to top ogff the tank… your losing air somewhere

If there is, you’d for sure be able to see it. I’ve not known Leslie to do that to their horns though. Someone could have put one in it but I doubt Leslie did. If you wanna check, just look in the air inlet hole in the base and see if it has a hex head type plug in it.

Every single Horn Kit I’ve ever had, it fills up every morning. There are 0 leaks anywhere. I’ve even gone to the extent of spraying the entire length of the Air Hose to see if there was even a small microscopic hole in it, and there is no air coming out anywhere.

Nah the Horn is New from Leslie. I looked in the Inlet Hole before I Installed it, and didn’t see anything. It just looked a lil different from an RS3L Pic I saw on here, so that’s why I was wondering.

i have a 15 gal tank and mine never leaks at all,u DO have a leak somewhere,i had a shocker s4 kit for 3 yrs and never once did i lose air by the morning time…BTW i welded the ports in my own tank and still no leaks

Well I dunno then? Because the Shop that Installed it all couldn’t find any Leaks and I can’t either.

And I’m not some Dumbass that doesn’t know their donkey from their elbow when it comes to working on Cars either.

not saying ur dumg bro,just saying that it shouldnt leak unless theres a leak,maybe its ur aitlift valve thats leaking???

something is definitely leaking… maybe out of the horn base of the horn somewhere?..

well since he lives in long island it may be because of the cold… you can have a full tank when you park it in the evening and loose enough psi from the air shrinking for the compressor to come on…

do you have a psi gauge?

Nope, no PSI Gauge.

get a psi gauge on it so you can tell how much exactly its leaking over night…

does the compressor randomly come on during the day?

Nope, the only time it comes on is first thing in the morning, then after I honk the horns (obviously)

then i can prolly bet its because of the air shrinking due to the cold

mine has even done it on a few cold nights in alabama

u know my bad i didnt even look where he was from…i think its the cold air too

makes sense… us florida boyz dont have to worry about that.

cold air!

yea i have some mornings where my compressor will run and some mornings it wont