Zip ties yes or no?

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sh!tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

gimme 3 mins with a hustler mag and i got some all natural adhesive that might work…

hahahahahahhaha^ and how bout double stick tape?

Zip ties are great, but if you can, mount them onto sheet metal.

Over time, the vibrations will ruin your horns if they’re attached to an edge of your car frame, or vibrate each other making plastic chip.

NO ZIP TIES FOR YOUR COMPRESSOR. I havn’t tried it, but doesn’t sound smart.

nope. bolts for that

no no no dont listen to him^ do not use bolts. pshh, zip ties and ghetto rigging ftw

ghetto rigging

they should be alright

Zip ties are like a cheap whore, you think your getting a good deal but you end up walking away with a broken HORN!

I told myself I would add a few metal cables to keep it mounted, but I have yet to do so…they hold in the shockers well enough. I could understand with an airchime or metal horn, but the shocker horns are so lightweight I don’t really worry the zipties will break.