
Holy wowzers Batman!!! The amount of porn on here is amazing … time to tweak your security guys.

you see this marine
sir she wont be a
happy camper ones
they bannd her a**
even its a she to make it werd wean
i log in a wile a go
this spamer was under senior member now its member lol werd.

and derty porno
come on dont thes
pepol have eny thing beter to do.

Id like to shove a thorn bush branch up this spammers oven!

yup silvy sir thes
dum dums dont get
it do thay.

i got sumthing
a little beter silvy
sir senes we are a
part of a train horn
forum i figerd this
wudd be apropred
why not take a
train horn and shuve
it up thare a**s and
honk it to lol.

then you would have a sh*tty horn :stuck_out_tongue:

sad but true lol.

Spammers are amazing. I swear it doesn’t even work, but they must put so much time into it.

If you’re referring to the “adult” section, that was added by the guys on here.

no a porn bot went crazy

thats what happens
wean you give a
porn bot viagra :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, I’m talking about the umpteen forum posts that were here for all kinds of porn. Being in Iraq and 8 hours ahead of the east coast, I saw almost an entire page of “new” posts all for porn.

sad ant it.

Yea i was on here when the spammer went nuts and posted all the links… hope no one clicked them tho… They probably had porn on them but they also probably had a boatload or spyware / malware / etc…

thats what they do, when you click on their crap it says your missing adobe or something similar and then askes you to download it. If you do you will get loads of pop up, slow computer, and possibly added to a botnet.