Guys on Horn and Whistle Board whine like little girls....

Ive never seen so many grown men whine about a group of people they have never met before. I think its hilarious how much they ***** about hornblasters and scaring people…Go blow your horns at a mountain…

take a read…(may cause laughter)

Except it’s their hobby and people that scare people with the horns make them look bad. They’re trying to educate people on the history of horns and stuff and it’s hard to do when no one takes them seriously.

Whatever… Dont matter what those old farts think… I dont see why they cant get along with us… So what we use our horns to scare people, and they just collect… Big f*n deal… Were all horn enthusiast, and thats all that should matter…

I can see why they get pissed. Its a difference of interest, they can collect them and do whatever they want with them. Its not going to stop me from enjoying mine the way I want to. lol my favorite post…:smiley: "As far as I’m concerned, let the hornbastards, I mean hornblasters blow there horn at pressures that high. let them destroy their horns. LOL They give collectors a bad name. "… I think Im one of his so called “hornbastards”

so what if we run them at higher pressure? its not like we run them at higher pressure and break them and start bitching… we run them like drag cars! run them hard if we break it we fix it and get back out there. and what’s the purpose of a horn if you cant blow it? they were meant to be heard if you want to or not… i wouldn’t let a horn sit in a shelf… thats just retarded… you don’t see the train conductor hanging his head out the window thinking to him self i hope i don’t scare anyone when i blow the horn… no they blow them if your expecting it or not… they are meant to warn you to get the f**k outta the way! the same way i use mine!

Except an Engineer has the legal right to blow it to save lives. Having them on a car and honking them for sheer enjoyment is illegal.

so i dont have a right to blow my horn if someone pulls out in front of me and i almost t-bone them? guess my life isn’t that valuable?

and yes train conductors blow them for entertainment we have a baseball field that a track runs right behind it with no crossings in sight and have seen them blow many times right behind the field only to scare the fans standing by the fence

Okay well guys, you have officially run me off this forum. Especially Scaredu’s comment over there. See you guys later…

lmao look what i started, hey the truth be told…

They can do their thing and we can do our thing. There’s really no reason to argue as long as you’re enjoying yourself.

You cant hate up on the yahoo groups, they know more about nathan airchime and leslie horns than anybody, and i get alot of my info from them. all you so called…“blasters” are just running basic setups. couple gallons of air and a k3 or k5. i mean us big boys are running hardcore equimpent. as myself oasis air compressor, 30 gallon tank, k5, k3, p5, p3, and rs3-k. with a graham white valve. anyone got a setup close to mine…? as for ed k from diesel air he is running 2 oasis compressors and 3 30 gallon tanks in his avalanch and he has more horns than anyone that i know…

Aight, let me rip one into u…
The reasons we are hating up on those old bastards is because they were talking poop about people, like almost eveyone on this forum, that go around scaring people with their horns… I always wanted to get along with them, so we could all just talk horns! Because yes, I know they do have alot of experience and knowledge. But their too stubborn to put past the fact on how we use our horns…
And so what if we have “basic” setups as which you call it… I’m sorry I didnt join the army and get tax free money to go buy all the horns you have… I work and have bills and other things to pay… If I had disposable money I too would have a huge setup…
And as for ed, the guy is older then dirt and have been collecting horns probably before I was even born! So yea hes gonna have a huge collection…I could careless…

thats nice he has all the horns and info on them, but that doesnt mean he has to be a prick about the way we use our horns. I think the way he uses them is boring as hell and just collects dust…but you dont see me bitching about it…

wow. Way to brag about yourself there, must be nice… and I’m sorry I don’t have a multi-thousand dollar setup. I’m still in school working for an engineering degree and work for minimum wadge, therefore I don’t yet have the income and bought what I could afford. Maybe in 5 years Ill have a “respectable setup”.

We never said you were gay for letting them sit on the shelf. We have our reasons as to have horns… you have yours, along with the horn collector fad, will be dead within five years.

alright. thats your opinion. even so why dont you go back to your other forum.


Yeah, I know, I said I was leaving but do you guys honestly think that is someone from HWboard? It isn’t. They are sounding like a moron. It’s someone trying to stir up some crap.

Actually we already know who it is hondaguy :slight_smile: