Guys on Horn and Whistle Board whine like little girls....


I don’t buy the idea that even the most “pious” air horn owner/collector who has installed a train horn on their motor vehicle “only” uses it at shows, in the secluded wilderness, etc. We’re all human, and from time to time we all get annoyed with other drivers or pedestrians.

Let he among us who is without sin, then, cast the first stone.

No need for the “holier than thou” attitude, even if someone disapproves of scaring people with it.

Well one thing though, most collectors don’t leave them on their car. They have special roof racks which they mount them onto for videos, etc. They take them off when not in use.

OK, well that’s fine. Still, I’d bet none of those guys have ripped a loud one at some time without knowing they have either scared or startled someone in so doing.

Look, I’m 49 years old. I’m sure most of the guys who like to drive around blasting to scare people are young enough to be my children. And while I wouldn’t do that (mostly), I admit to having watched all 13 Terror in the Streets videos… some several times… and got a laugh from them. My kids too. In fact, it further stimulated my interest in buying a K5LA from hornblasters.

Is it irresponsible and reckless? A little. In the grand scheme of things, its a minor, mischievous prank. There are worse things a person could be into.

Unless of course one feels this is a first step in a long slide toward eternal damnation.


lol both my parents are in they’re 50s. and they want them on their cars. Its hilarious. sure they wouldn’t be the ones going around scaring people just for the heck of it, but ive done some short blasts to startle them and they always end up with a smile on there face. lol

i scare my mom all the time… and my sisters… and my neighbors… i scare everything… i will go blast at a stop sign and laugh… LOL no not really, but I will literally scare whatever… just cuz it makes me laugh…

haha usually people get the “holy crap i just poop myself” look in their eyes and then they start laughing and yelling for me to do it again.

Strange enough, everyone on Horn and Whistle…at least more then 20 of the members have bought at least 3 horns from me. :slight_smile: So they want them for the years they were possibly built…I get them for the enjoyment that others want the same thing Im interested in…horns.

who doesnt love horns…:smiley:

They need to stick to their own forums. I don’t think any of us raise hell on their’s. They probably play with toy trains too.:stuck_out_tongue:

Actually a couple of members did. This thread is what started it. People from here went there before anything happened here.

lmao! yea no body raised hell…
–(looks around the room) haha!

hahaha. (shakes head) hahaha

Logging in over there is not automatic any more. The moderator is screening new registrants first.

lol. they really hate us… oh well ive never been over there… not my problem

Although, I, on occasion blow my horn at a mountain.:smiley:

no mountains in Kentucky… If I was back in Colorado tho, lol I would love blasting those hippies

Hippies must love the mountains. There are quite a few of them, from the old 60’s communes, living in Lake Tahoe.

Boulder! that sounds like great fun now that you mention it i may have to take a drive up north and scare me some tree huggers…except they’d be too stoned to know what just happened

haha thats boulder for you… if you do make sure u make a trip up to pearl street. lots of odd looking people there haha