Guys on Horn and Whistle Board whine like little girls....

I may have to visit that place, sounds interesting…lol

wait sooo those guys are hippies then lol

think one of them im’ed me the other night… i knew there was something strange about those guys…

Read the chat log here…

thats why i took my aim name off the forums…

lol that talk looked interesting… your like the Dr Phil of this forum


I closed registration on my hornwhistleboard only because of the rampant profanity. Too many f-bombs for the older part of our audience…

I’m a horn collector first and foremost, but I always have my Kahlenberg D-2 horns on my truck and hell yes I blow them on the highway. If some guy is swerving into my lane at 70mph, he’s going to get the air horns, that’s what they’re for. I don’t just blow my horns in the woods or organized events.

I help Matt Heller whenever he has horn-related questions, and respect that he has a sincere interest in the history of his horns as well. Where he and I have our differences is only in “terror on the streets” type horn usage. You will never see me rolling through a WalMart parking lot unloading on people for ha-has. Even though some people would find that funny, I’d personally feel like a real jerk doing it, so I don’t.

The “whiners” on my board tend to be those folks in areas like Florida and California where excessive horn assaults have caused police to start ticketing for having train horns–something that collectors have always taken for granted that they can get away with. It’s irritating when a few irresponsible kids ruin the fun and prompt new anti-horn legislation (like in the miami beach area).

Nuff said. I’m not hatin’ you guys, I just hope the few who maliciously assault people with their horns eventually grow out of it and aftermarket air horns go back to not getting police or media attention.

Thats your opinion… and if thats what you feel go for it but as long as i have my horns on my truck they WILL be used for what ever i want to use them for… If its Illegal to use them that way thats a risk i’m taking not you or anyone else. and as for the California and Florida ticketing people for having them thats the states fault for being so damn uptight about things such as California banning all kinds of guns then you hear people there ***** that they cant buy certain stuff and why? because THEY voted for it to begin with… makes no sense to me… If it were not full of Obama supporters and were a state like Alabama where i’m from police would be asking you where to get them and not giving you tickets…

And these videos are nothing worse than any other prank video that circulates around the internet. and if you have such a problem with them don’t watch them…

Why can’t this thread be locked already? Just stirring the fire.

I dont see why we cant all be friends? haha we all like train horns