
whats up? i heard about yall from a member on F150online.com looks like a cool site. i plan on upgrading my horns soon so i figured id get some good info here

welcome to the forum! post some pics and specs


what u plan on getting


welcome, you should get plenty of info here, just ask away.

thanks for the welcome. ill get some pics up in a few minutes. i have a 3 horn kit from hornblasters. the horns sucks balls, but i really bought the kit for the air tank and compressor and was just gonna upgrade the horns. i want to upgrade to some Omega 3’s. i have several friends that have them and i love the sound

heres some pics from the day i installed them. first off, heres the truck

pssss get the S4… they are the SH*T. lol

save your money and get some nathan airchimes and you will thank me later

ya ive been looking at nathans for a while. i have a few people that are trying to get me some for free. its pays to know people lol. the only problem i have with them is the manifolds on them. i want to be able to bolt whatever horns i to the same place i have my horns now. and i dont think nathans will fit with the way they need to be mounted

ah ok the hornbargins 3 horn. my very first horn was the 4 horn set. its a great horn if your looking for a semi horn sound…but if your looking for the train horn sound go with s4 you will not be disapointed! plus they are wayyyy louder than the omega horns

my s4 horns:

werd i just took omegas off my truck a few months ago. go with the shockers or go balls deep with the nathans :eek:

Man I think i see some room for a p3 maybe a k3. P3s really arent that big with all bells facing forward. Also you can buy all the fake trainhorns you want but nothing will be as satisfying as a nathan or leslie horn and you will always be tryin to up it up unless you got the real thing. And who needs a spare tire anyway…

you wouldnt be looking to sell the omegas would you?

already sold them man. well practically gave them away lol. sold the whole setup for 50 bucks. lol but he is a good friend and ill still get to enjoy them

dang. he got a deal. its nice to have friends like that.

if anyone knows some one selling some Omegas please let me know

we cant harm you in letting you buy those… please just be patient and save a little bit more for shockers…:slight_smile:

its not a money issue. i just love the tone that the omegas put out

to each his own opinion but i had omegas and they are cheap chinese horns man. shocker FTW IMO but if ur that deadset on the omegas thats u man