if you get a ticket!

I got pulled over by a state trooper here in VA (I blew the horn at him in an unmarked car WHOOPS!!) anyhow he haggled with me and I told him that I have been a liscensed state inspector for over 12 years and the only thing in the state law manual says is that the horn has to be audible from over 200 feet away. He said “he didnt care what the manual stated” and I said “you should care as the state police writes/edits the manual”. His mouth kinda dropped and he handed me my liscense back and told me to have a nice day!!:cool:

God bless the cops for their service, but when one tries to push their weight around, its nice to hear someone bringing them back into line.

Good one.


you know that he really wanted to ask you…where did u get the horn and how can i get one for my vehicle…ha ha

oh yea!!

Lord… please help Brizzal with his attention to details…

I think the words you were going for were:





English 101

Yeah I’m probably going to be going for my Criminal Justice degree soon too. I just question if thats what I really want because I love doing illegal things…Same for you?

If you read enough of these threads, you’ll see that some of the guys are willing to take a chance and blow their horns even if it means getting a ticket.

Then there’s the “my new toy” thread to look at too.

I just say F it and honk them anywhere. the worst that happens is a ticket. no big deal


i just got a 2 tickets for loud horn and improper use of horn… in florida and theyre not 76.50 anymore… 141.00 a piece! :eek:

so u wanna tell me how this exactly happened and where? and 144? wtf

iowa and manhattan driving over the train tracks, he was going south on manhattan so i didnt see him and he musta got scared! lol

oh ya i kno what ur talking about…you layed on it? if just tooted it? damn bro that sux

just a little honk… nothin serious, oo well it just sucks cause its like 282.00 lol i would have been better with 150.00 if they were 76.50 a piece but 141.00!

i kno right… i hate tickets man its like giving money away

Did you ask why the price change?

I wonder if they adopted a CA policy. A ticket for talking on a cell phone that you hold to your ear while driving is $20, but after fees and penalties it’s really $70. They do that with all tickets here.
I got one for going through a red light, just missed the yellow, and it was stated at $120 but I think I had to pay $270 or $350.