K5LA vs Conductor Videos

Ok, here is the first of several video clips, bear with us, it takes a bit to D/L.

Now remember, I am putting my K5LA through a 150 psi constant pressure regulator.

The Durango is the 4 horn conductors set and the Tundra is my K5LA

Here is my K5LA (150 psi constant)

Here is Bixby1980 (4-Horn Conductors set)

Here is a frontal comparison test

On our way to the small tunnel

In the tunnel, I had the camera out the window with my left hand, not thinking that I use my left hand to sound the button. The first horn was bixby1980 as I was following him

Bixby1980 sporting his shocker decal

sounds like a k5la to me

I was thinking the K5LA should be more than I thought, maybe its just me. I might take the 150 psi constant regulator off and try another video for comparison purposes like you all ae saying. I just heard from several people that 200 psi was too much, but the more I think about it, my tank will drain down respectively from 200 psi, so its not like there is a constant 200 psi going through the horns. Whats your alls thouhts?

Oh Boy! More driving out to the sticks and more filming :slight_smile: Those poor poor people that live next to there. And those deer wont be around there till after hunting season.

Keep checking the original thread and refresh, I am editing it and adding new videos as they D/L from photobucket.

You’re absolutely right…If you watch your gauge while chiming the horns you’ll see the pressure bleeding off pretty quick. But I think it’s the initial shock of 200psi. entering the manifold that hurts, since the solenoid is right on the manifold…no airline to go through to slow the cfm’s down.

You’re absolutely right…If you watch your gauge while chiming the horns you’ll see the pressure bleeding off pretty quick. But I think it’s the initial shock of 200psi. entering the manifold that hurts, since the solenoid is right on the manifold…no airline to go through to slow the cfm’s down.

Actually I have several feet of air line from my solenoid to the K5LA. So with this being said, if I replaced all my 3/4" ID line to 1/2" ID line, could I remove the 150 pressure regualtor and be Ok with blowing the horns at 200 psi?

What if I left the 3/4" ID line from the solenoid to the K5LA manifold and replaced the line with 1/2" ID from the other side of the solenoid to the port directly on the tank?

So what does everyone think of the sound of this K5LA?

How many feet of hose between the solenoid and horn?

It sounds awesome, but it’s hard to tell the actual loudness on film.

I’ve gotta get some tunnel footage… =( we dont have any tunnels here that i kow of though

i dont think there is a problem… I believe u were thinkin the K5LA was goin to be a deeper bass horn…
I can see why your friend said ur old setup was louder, because my dad said the same thing when i went from the Conductors to the K5la… He said the conductor was louder…I think they just word it wrong, because he meant to say the Conductors just gave off a huge deep tone and it was all together in a close ranger… To where as the K5la gives off a completely different tone, that will echo far out…

I would run 1/2 or larger nylon airline through the whole system. I’ve tried 150psi, 200psi, and now 175psi. To be honest I really couldn’t hear or see a difference other than the tank bleeding off faster with the lower psi. Hornblasters use 175psi on their Marauder so I decided to follow their set-up. I e-mailed them asking if 200psi was too much, they replied that it wouldn’t hurt. But if you ask Nathan AirChime they’ll tell you that 150psi is the recommended max. I’ve heard of someone saying that max psi is not what you want, cfm’s and volume is what you want.

How many feet of hose between the solenoid and horn?

I have probably 5 feet of 3/4" ID line from the K5 manifold to the solenoid.

I would run 1/2 or larger nylon airline through the whole system. I’ve tried 150psi, 200psi, and now 175psi. To be honest I really couldn’t hear or see a difference other than the tank bleeding off faster with the lower psi. Hornblasters use 175psi on their Marauder so I decided to follow their set-up. I e-mailed them asking if 200psi was too much, they replied that it wouldn’t hurt. But if you ask Nathan AirChime they’ll tell you that 150psi is the recommended max.

I will change out the line and get a pressure switch (150 psi) from Viair. I will also ditch the pressure regulator. Actually I will call Hornblasters today and order their 1/2" air line, compression fittings and see if I can get the 150 psi switch from them.

I’ve heard of someone saying that max psi is not what you want, cfm’s and volume is what you want.

I have heard the same thing. This is why I was told to run 3/4" ID line with my 20 gallon tank.

now your cooking with gas buck.all 1/2" lines no regulator & the 150 psi switch. then you’ll be downtown brown. :smiley:

now your cooking with gas buck.all 1/2" lines no regulator & the 150 psi switch. then you’ll be downtown brown

I tried to tell you all along…lol…:smiley:

I wasnt trying to be difficult with everyones advice, but I wanted to try and keep my tank at 200 psi if possible to give me more volume down to 150 psi and less running time on the compressors. This is why I got the 150 psi pressure regulator to keep the psi constant and give me several more seconds of honking pleasure.

Should I get the 110/145 pressure switch from Viair? Do they make one with a shut off at 150 similar to the one that I have now?

buck I think viair might make a 150 psi switch.check with matt @ h.b also, & if all else fails try siege engineering.com they should be able to help. :smiley:

Actually I got the info from the Viair website. They have a 110/145 pressure switch like the one pictured above. I currently have a 165/200 Viair switch.

I will give Matt and the crew a call this AM when they open

Thanks again

they do that a 110/150 psi switch from viair

What about the 145/175 Pressure switch? This should be OK for my K5LA?