K5LA vs Conductors 4 horn Shocker

i have a regulator on mine and i KNOW its holding the horns back

Or just run a line out with a ball valve haha

Opened a new thread for videos

also you know you said you have 3/4 i.d. airhose and yourregulator has 1/2" npt fittings your creating a bottle neck there a 1/2 fitting has a way smaller inside diamiter than 3/4 id air line so right there you are restricting flow to the horns. and agian back to the regulator once you blow the horn your line from the regulator to the horn will drop in pressure and a 1/2 regulator isnot foing to let enough airflow through to keep the 3/4 line up to the correct pressure

Or you can do like my friend did and run straight half inch line from the tank to the horn with a ball valve in between. No restriction there.

also you know you said you have 3/4 i.d. airhose and yourregulator has 1/2" npt fittings your creating a bottle neck there a 1/2 fitting has a way smaller inside diamiter than 3/4 id air line so right there you are restricting flow to the horns. and agian back to the regulator once you blow the horn your line from the regulator to the horn will drop in pressure and a 1/2 regulator isnot foing to let enough airflow through to keep the 3/4 line up to the correct pressure

All my fittings are 1/2" npt. I used 3/4" ID airline for a smooth transition over the barbed fittings. Should I change everything to all 1/2" airline? Would this make a difference?

if you have 1/2 inch fitting i would use 1/2 line will take less time for the air to fill the lines

also if you have aim add me version363

if you have 1/2 inch fitting i would use 1/2 line will take less time for the air to fill the lines

Would this make a difference in the sound from what you heard in the videos? I would have to change my K5LA barb fitting, each side of my solenoid, and my tank post barb all to 1/2". I have 29 feet of 1/2" ID airline laying around in my garage that I just bought.

it should make a difference in volume because right now your not running at 150 psi at all look at it this way your regulator fills your line to 150 psi (the regulator has a verry small hole to let the air through it may have a 1/2 fitting but inside the actual opening that the air come through is verry small and limiting air flow) once you push your button all of the air in your 3/4 line is let out through the horn there is not enough air coming through the regulator to refill that 3/4 line as fast as it is exiting through the horn there for your not running a full 150 psi. with all 1/2 fittings and air line without the regulator you are getting a full 150 psi exiting the tank allthe way through the airline all the way to your solenoid valve

it should make a difference in volume because right now your not running at 150 psi at all look at it this way your regulator fills your line to 150 psi (the regulator has a verry small hole to let the air through it may have a 1/2 fitting but inside the actual opening that the air come through is verry small and limiting air flow) once you push your button all of the air in your 3/4 line is let out through the horn there is not enough air coming through the regulator to refill that 3/4 line as fast as it is exiting through the horn there for your not running a full 150 psi. with all 1/2 fittings and air line without the regulator you are getting a full 150 psi exiting the tank allthe way through the airline all the way to your solenoid valve

So if I decide to replace my fittings to 1/2" barb and run all new 1/2" ID airline, should I still leave the 150 psi pressure regulator in place? I do not want to damage the horns with a smaller line and more pressure.

and personally i would recomend the hard plastic dot airline and compresson fittings just my experience with the barb firrings and looks a lot cleaner

my opinion is to change the hoses your using to 1/2in compression fittings using 1/2in DOT brake hose, if you dont want to use your horn at 200psi buy a 150psi pressure switch

and personally i would recomend the hard plastic dot airline and compresson fittings just my experience with the barb firrings and looks a lot cleaner

I thought about that too, but I figured if I ever needed to move the system or do anything to it, all I would have to do is drain the tank and unscrew the hose clamps.

my opinion is to change the hoses your using to 1/2in compression fittings using 1/2in DOT brake hose

I actually have 29 feet of goodyear 1/2" ID 300 psi rated hose brand new in my garage that I was goig to use with my Graham and White Valve. This should work the same?

lol your line is fine, if anything your hose is flowing better then 1/2" line…idk wtf would make someone think that’s the problem.
If you’ve blown it at 200psi and without a regulatior already, thats out the question. My next step would be take the horns apart check if the diaphrams and everything are golden if you havent taken them apart yet.

ive never looked at that valve in person, i have no idea

you can change out the pressure switch to a smaller one to let your tank fill only to 150psi but personally if my hb4h can withstand 175 psi i dont think you would damage a nathan at 200 psi only thing you would possibly do is warp or crack the diaphrams no biggie with the ammount of money you have in the horns this hobby is like owning a ferrari it cost to keep them maintained you cant buy a ferrari and expect to have the maintnence cost of a kia

My next step would be take the horns apart check if the diaphrams and everything are golden if you havent taken them apart yet.

What would this entail? taking the back covers off the horns and checking the diaphrams for warpage? I have never taken any horn apart.

agian when you have a 1/2 inch port and put a 3/4 line on it it takes longer to fill the line