K5LA vs Conductors 4 horn Shocker

you can change out the pressure switch to a smaller one to let your tank fill only to 150psi

I got the pressure regulator so that I could still have 200 psi in the tank for more honks. If I got a 150 psi switch, my compressors would only run longer, this way I am only pushing 150 psi through the horns from 200 psi to 150 psi and then respectively as the tank drains.

and one last time that regulator is restricting flow

sorry end of my post on this subject

The pressure regulator is slowing the cfm’s down. Try a 150psi switch. You might want to try using nylon hose rather than 3/4 rubber hose; I think thats what you’re using? I’ve got 1/2 nylon hose running to the solenoid and 5/8 running through the metering valve. It seems that my tank empties quicker when I hold the valve full open compared to the solenoid… louder too.

Try a 150psi switch. You might want to try using nylon hose rather than 3/4 rubber hose;

Ok, I will do away with the pressure regulator. What is the benefits of nylon hose and hard DOT line as opposed to my rubber line?

more even flow the diamiter of the airline is closer in size with the opening in the fittiings, less chance of a air leak it can be tightend down more, and looks a lot better

Smoother interior = higher cfm’s. I bet those rubber hoses really bulge with all that pressure. Mount your solenoid on the manifold also.:smiley:

agreed =)

I’m almost 100% sure that’s not the problem. It sounds like a restricted K5 to me. 200 psi won’t help at all either, if anything it will make it sound like crap and make things wear faster. If it was the diaphragms it would sound badly out of tune and squeal and squeak or the horns with bad parts might not even blow. I hear all bells sounding in your video. And about the 200 PSI thing: Remember, trains honk the horn off the main reservoir air, around 135 psi give or take and they are really loud.

SHHHHHHHHHH dont get caught by the train cop for giving away their secrets lol

Take the horns apart…it’s easy, you can’t fcuk it up…check all the parts, see if everything is straight and clean inside, that the manifold isn’t cloged inside, and the disks are tip top. it’s POSSIBLE one of bells has a cracked diaphram and a lot of the air is flowing right through it. Changing hose shouldnt make much difference if at all IMO, as long as it’s the right size and rated for the pressure it’ll still flow the air needed.

On that note, I’ve been running em at 200 psi, and while the note changes SLIGHTLY, it’s not bad at all…I wouldnt call them much louder, but I don’t see it hurting the horns much. 2 weeks and my diaphrams are as straight hugh heffner.

If a diaphragm is cracked the bell won’t sound correctly. It won’t play the correct note if it even plays anything but hissing air. All of his bells sound correct.

You can check the O rings on the feet of the bells to make sure they are all there. You could have an air leak somewhere causing it to not receive full air flow.

I’m wieghing all options here…it never hurts to check. The #3a or #4a bell could not be wokring right, who knows. But I’m just saying, that would be the FIRST thing i would do, just to know what’s going on in the horns and if everythings good. It was the frist thing I did when I got my set. And i’m DAMN glad I did.

I really doubt anything is wrong with the K5. Once you remove the regulator your horns should chime as loud as they can. I would really consider using nylon DOT airline throughout your system. It looks cleaner and will last alot longer than rubber hose.

Ok, I will remove the pressure regulator, call Viair today and order a 150 psi pressure switch and change my 3/4" ID line to 1/2" ID line. I cannot mount my solenoid directly to the K5 manifold due to my mounting plate, however, I can move it a foot or so away. I also want to take the back covers off the horns to check them and see what one looks like opened up. I will take a few pics as well.

I noticed that the pressure switch from Viair is (110 PSI on, 145 PSI off), would this be sufficient? I was thinking they had one that shuts off at 150, if it would make much of a difference. This is the kind of pressure switch that I need for my system. My old pressure switch from the conductor set was a gray box type screw in regulator.

Also, I was looking at airline from Hornblasters.com and their 1/2" airline is 1/2" OD line, not I.D.