Look what i just got!!!!!!!!!

We have some bell covers for those if you are interested. Let me know if you need anything else bud.

on monday i will start working in this restaurant nicee getting 350 a week cash! so i will be able to buy some and save for the whelen pa system i will let ya know garrett thx

so i got everything install today i will take a vid of my horns tonight… now i have:::::::

K3HA (150 PSI), 8.5 Gallon Air Tank, 2 480c ViAir Compressors, 1/2 Air Line And 1/2 SMC Valve

Sound better now?

oh yeah now i love it hhaha thx bro!

Here is a vid… i think i need a better camera… let me know!


I think the link is bad… doesn’t go to anything

Bad link.


check now i think is working

Wow that camera makes them no justice…

yeahh that camera is a piece of poop my dad got this hd 30gb video camera i will take tonight so i can make a nice vid

the mic on that cam is a travesty… i have a digi cam that makes my stock horn sound just as loud as my shockers so you aren’t alone

ahaha thats great

Did you get pics of the horn install.

i will tomorrow for sure

will i damage my k3ha if i run it at 200 psi?

No you wont

It should be SUPER LOUD!

Yes you will… over time. Why do people insist on saying it won’t hurt them at all? Manufacturers rate them at a certain pressure for a reason.

this is what i am confused about. a train engineer told me that he does it all the time and it does not hurt the horns. but then i hve ppl tellin me u cant run them that high