Look what i just got!!!!!!!!!

Dude… if
i get caught blasting my horns, I’m going to ask where in the law it says I cant have 152dB horns - and where does it say its ok for the Em services to have loud horns???

ok here http://law.onecle.com/florida/motor-vehicles/316.271.html he give me the ticket cuz of…

unreasonably loud or harsh sound (Train Horn)

Read #6

exactly… lol unless your an emergency vehicle you have no case lol

i would take the horns off my car. and say i have no train horns on my car. therefore its not a lie. and its all good haha

i made a traffic cop jump today lmao,along with hundred of other people, i went nuts hornblasting the city today. =]

I am going to try and clarify something, locomotives operate their horns at 130-140 psi i have never heard of 200 psi damaging a horn yes but the size of the inlets of the horns just acts as a restrictor, so by having 200 psi the horn is maybe using 150 of that, why do you think the over the road models are quieter, those holes are just a bit smaller which reduces airflow.

No, I’m not against horns on cars and trucks… just against using them irresponsibly to scare people.

You say 200 PSI won’t damage a horn? I’ve heard otherwise from respectable people in the horn collecting community that repair them.

Wow negative vibe in here. Time to unsubscribe…

People have their own view which is cool. you have to determine what YOU think is best for YOUR horns. :smiley:

Speaking a fact is a negative vibe? Since when?

I’m not telling anyone what to do with their horns. This is a forum, people come here for advice. I’m just giving them MY advice.

Abuse as in use… trains blast them for quite long periods of time and multiple times at that. They are probably used much more than just your regular honker with it in their car or truck.

I say blow them as much as fuking possible.=] using and abusing go hand in hand.


another vid…


if i wanna make my k3 a k5 what bells i have to buy???


3a bell and a 5 bell