
Maury needs to hand out condoms on every show!

I enjoy voicing my opinion… haha … and I have to agree with you. Katt Williams movie had a great sketch on it. check this out.

haha ya thats red grant… his latest one isnt as funny as his first one

Scaredu, I realize I am new here, and like “Billy” (from the video) I should be respectful and mind full of people. However, it is my understanding that there is only one post whore, and that is Scaredu. But I hold this whore in the highest respect. :slight_smile:

Not politically correct in any sense of the word, really. Then again I’ve been fired from jobs - good paying ones - for my lack of PC’-ness.

Will I ever learn?



Somehow, a whore in the “highest” respect still doesn’t seem all that respectable?


freakboy i agree i drive a semi truck and i know this all to well. 2 cars in line coming to a red light and one of them cuts in front of me forcing me to slam on brakes to keep from hitting them! for what purpose?!? to get by a car and risk being crushed by an 80,000 pound truck. i get cut off all the time by idiots in cars.

haha Im #2. whooo whooooo

U are my apprentice twist!

Im under a great leader. haha

Wise, you are!

ok, the brown nosing has gone far enough…lol

It sure has!!
Dan u need to stop suckin up to Lance!! lol

good comeback…LMAO, but I won’t kiss anyone’s butt except maybe my wife.

Awww come one Dan! Gimme a smooch!

Totally kidding bro!

Always be careful around crazy people, especially Aunt Cindy… kiss whatever she wants…

Sometimes I just don’t have choice with her…lol


Tell Aunt Cindy we’re thinking about her, will ya’?
Gad, she’s a party waiting to happen!

Will do.
She’s only a party waiting to happen when she’s drinking, otherwise she’s usally asleep…lol.

BTW, how is Dawn doing after her foot surgery?

Cyndy wants to know when you want some stuffed pepperocini’s?

She’s going back to work this coming Monday… she’s been out since the end of October.


Anytime would be great! LOL
Those things are like crack to me.