over the road

I got myself a new background… HAHA jp

works now!..lol ya it is huge…soo matt where are the rest of the pics of sema?

Matt i took some leave and me and chris were there, it cost me and arm and a leg to fly there for the week but it was worth it.

post up some pics jeremy

We Want Pics :smiley:

Trolling, lying, flaming, etc. Claiming you have a bunch of horns when you really don’t. <–I’m pretty sure thats how hornblasters tx got banned. He was just a liar. Everyone called him on his BS.

he stole some money from someone here “he sold him a k3” the guy send out the money order and recive an empty box so he is not that nice when he steal money from others

he isnt a good guy in my book… thats just my opinion, but im probaly just jealous of his dual 50 gallon tanks

or… someone pretended to be him? :confused:

Jeremy, you have been posing as me under the screen name TheHornDoc, and have the nerve to sign MY NAME to your phony postings…YOU’VE BEEN CAUGHT AND BANNED.

It was NOT me, Ken Kanne, posting those lies in support of Jeremy. In fact, this is my first posting on this forum. I don’t know Jeremy from Adam’s housecat.

I would respectfully request the the admins and moderators remove his posting claiming to be me at once. THANK YOU.

The REAL Horn Doc

Ken Kanne
Silverhill, AL

ADMIN, I don’t care WHO it is claiming to be me, I want this sucker GONE, whoever it is, and every posting by TheHornDoc removed. He isn’t me!

Yes, he’s in Korea, where YOUR IP address is located, JEREMY.

You do realize that what you’ve done is illegal, right?

So you posted 112 times to make us feel like ***es. Perhaps you need a hobby. Sorry most people are too busy to care about what avatar pic you had.


This is not good ! someone posing as the Doc from Horn Hospital.

Ask Farmer69 which one is the real Ken Kanne. He and Matt Yates had sense enough to know the postings made by “TheHornDoc” weren’t me, and contacted me off-forum about it.

Ken, Sorry to see you have an Impostor on here. I E-mailed you some time ago and you really helped me out with my system.Big Thanks once again. I hope the Administration takes note soon and Bans this guy.

                                                             ls1rex   so you know who I am

and he’s in the army… u should prosecute

bahaha **** just got real!
i wanna know why is it that our tax dollars are paying this idiot to piss around in korea, posting on forums as fake people
this deserves a…

Nice pubic hai…err mustache lol