pics of k5la install

Those horns do sound especially nice, If i did’nt know better I’d say it was the new Hornblasters K Diaphrams we have now… :slight_smile: there’s some “magic” about them that makes them different then OEM Nathan Diaphrams… slightly as in very slightly… they’re designed for “Used” Horns… They wouldnt sound good in a Brand New K5, but that’s because they would never be in a brand new k5… they’re replacement diaphrams and they sound GREAT!, Will any chance of you getting a sound clip? (god we’re about to sound like the old men who collect these things) See if you can get a sound clip… if not next time you come by We can try… also, we need some clean photos of the Dodge!

i washed it today,if your at the shop tomorrow ill come by and see what we can do,also i might buy a k3 too :slight_smile:

if wills coming out i wanna come! lol

you know its badass when hornblasters has their own diaphrams… lol

I know of several other people who have/sell their own diaphragms too lol. Alot of them are slightly thicker than factory, but I don’t know about hornblaster’s.

I collect them and I’m 22. I coulda swore someone said you had a collection too…

haha matt does have a collection! a huge collection… i wonder who has more horns tho…matt or that old hag ed. k

I would say tom aker…from south carolina he has more horns…he has 2 wharehouses full of nathan airchime, leslie horns…or you could be like that guy from jackson’s performance and just break into a container and steal the horns out of there…but you should collect them…im up to 36 horns myself

seriously how do people get 30+ horns? i know its not by paying $400+ for them each…

word. I need to start a collection

Ken Kanne told me once that he had 70-80 horns I believe…


well it looks like im getting 2 k3’s tomorrow to put in the front whooooo hooooooo

Fo sho…go my k5la mounted facing the front and my other k5 and k3 in the rear, i dunno where i want my leslie rs3k to go…???

Damn it Will. You had to put those pics up of me. BASTARD.

Thats the same setup as mine but i have yet to weld the ports in my tank tho. I have T fittings for now. But his is much cleaner. I didnt have no one to help me do mine, so i didnt have the patience.

post some pics of them

Gotta tell my girl to send me pics…cause im in korea and my truck is in texas…

oh yea i forgot ur over there

Its straight i will get the pics posted asap…

How many vehicles does he have for all those horns…:rolleyes: