pics of k5la install

I didn’t know he had exactly 100… seems like a several weeks ago he only had like 75 or something…

This is according to the word on the yahoo train horn groups forum

Nice! Looks alot like my setup, except I also mounted my K5LA inside the box. I had to cut a hole in the bottom of my $1000 Weatherguard box, but I wanted my horn in a dry, secure area.

$1000??? better be bullet proof and when you open it out comes a hot blonde!


hahaha a hot blonde comes out lol thats funny

I wish. It’s just a very heavy duty, very secure, all heavy gauge powder coated steel toolbox. I can’t tell you guys how difficult it was to cut the hole in the bottom of the box, even with an electric reciprocating saw. The box weighs over 200 lbs empty. I would guess that with the tank, horn, and compressors, it’s closer to 300 lbs.

soo… that means no jill in the box hot blonde… thats outrageous! lol

thats crazy. I need to see this setup. Do you have any pictures?