Random Political Thought

I think Prop 8 is really about a word - Marriage. In California, Gay’s can have the same rights but it’s called a Partnership.

Pass or fail, it’s not a major issue with me.

I agree with you there Dan… most Christians base too much on the word “marriage”.

The whole idea behind our Government is a separation of church and state. This proposition blurs the lines between the two, which is never a good thing when you’re making policy.

“Christians” base too much on the word “marriage”? Hardly. This is from the DICTIONARY… the first entry before they had to add the others… “the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.” And separation of church and state is funny. This country was founded by Christians and built on Christian values so no, that’s not the whole idea behind our government, that’s what anti-Christians make it.

Gay, christian, lesbian, whatever, I’m still gonna blast them with my horn…lol
I dont like to talk too much political stuff…lol im a simple guy

This is why I don’t talk about politics. Someone always gets their tighty whities in a wad.

This is supposed to be a discussion. No one is trying to force anything on you.
However, its my opinion and I’m welcome to it, am I not?

The basics here are that… policy should have nothing to do with marriage, domestic partnerships, etc. Law has no right to set those standards, again, in my opinion.

Thanks for letting me know about the dictionary use. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t use one once in awhile, especially after a decade of running print magazines.

Question: Do you live in California? If not, what are you arguing this for?

I’m a Christian and I believe in the sanctity of marriage but I try not to put politics and religion together.

The only thing that scares me about Prop 8 is if one of the ads is correct and that same sex marriage will be taught to children in school. I think that’s the responsibility of the parents.

I also agree that its a parents’ responsiblity to instill moral values in their children.

One question - were you ever taught about marriage in school?

I for one, was not, nor was my 19 year old daughter (Dan’s niece).

No, it all came from my parents!

PICS… lol jk!!

:eek: Yeah… that’s going to happen… ya’ bastard… she’s my freakin’ daughter!!!

Everything I was ever taught about marriage came from my parents… I’m pretty sure most would agree…

Im 19 :D… lol jp… Im the same way, everything I was taught about marriage came from my parents so in my opinion its their responsibility not the schools.

Tightey whiteys in a wad? Thanks for the insults there, Lance. I never insulted you in my post. I wasn’t even mad, I just spoke my opinion, remember this is a discussion. But thanks.

It wasn’t an insult. It was an attempt at a lighthearted way to lighten the mood. Just a though though, anytime you type in ALL CAPS on a forum, you are shouting, and pushing your point across.

If you took it as an insult, I apologize… My closest friends give me a whole lot worse than that…

Hand shake, in a non-gay bashing sort of way?


Nah it’s okay. I just had the word “dictionary” in caps to emphasize, not to shout, just for clarification lol

Glad we’ve worked that out bro…

Okay, who wants to talking about beating harbor seals to death? ?

Totally kidding BTW…

lol, how about scaring harbor seals to death with horns?

Ed Zachary!

Alright guys take it easy…


Here’s an interesting political article written by a democrat.
