Random Political Thought

Here’s a bunny with a pancake on its head…

did you check out the link? It has to do with the current housing crisis and who’s to blame

Haha lamo wow. I read the link Dan posted. then I saw the bunny with the pancake on its head and busted out laughing. thanks for making my day

The bunny is always relevant…

Just playing with you Dan…


You’ll love this then Dan…


That’s good video to back up the link I posted.

Which is why I posted it…

It’s time to get some Obama supporter’s input. Please use fact based articles.

Can you hear the crickets?

cricket…cricket…cricket… lol

I guess they’re so sure of Obama’s credentials, questionable birth cetificate, voting policy in congress, etc… that they don’t have anything to worry about.

All they care about is change and change they’re going to get whether the change is good or bad.

So we should set up a poll on here on and see who everyone thinks is gonna win lol. All the polls right now are pointing to Obama, but I think I saw that it is evening out, thank God.

In my opinion I believe some people would vote for Obama just because he IS black… First off he isn’t even fully black, just throwing that out there, and I believe that is a stupid reason to vote for someone, same for the opposite, not voting for him BECAUSE he is black. I believe people should vote for someone because of they’re credentials and because they believe they will make a difference in office and help the economy/nation as a whole… just my .02

I’m not ashamed to say I voted early here in fl. I also voted for barrack.I did so based on what I have seen happen since bush took office after his DAD started the ball rolling towards spinning the usa into this mess.I CANNOT believe after the son bush took the surplus economy into the crapper they elected the idiot a second time.I have seen the economy in fl go in the crapper with the much touted charley christ® now my job is short handed (job frozen) no cola increase no raise.why to get rid of pensioneer career personell so they can hire new employee’s with the 401K pension plan instead so that they can then cut the indivual employee donation made by the state towards that employee retirement. oh yeah sure I 'll vote republican I love getting bent over and rammed.NOT! It’s time for a positive change and I’ve voted for a change for the better cause the repubs haven’t shown me nothing but screwing this country and my income up. :mad:

That’s all well and good but he also is for abortion. Just watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIdbYjmbFzo&feature=related

I would never vote for anyone who voted on that ALONE. Hilary is almost more Liberal than him and she even voted against that mess. That’s just plain murder there.

matt, won’t get into a pissing match with you over the abortion issue as my views on abortion are obviously different from yours.my view is simple keep it zipped till you want a kid use condoms then this won’t have to happen,unfortunately some ignorant people use this option as their form of birth control which is downright wrong. nuff said…

so hondaguy, a sick father rapes his 13yr old daughter and gets her pregnant… your not for her to get an abortion??

No one said anything about rape. The majority of abortions are used as a form of birth control and nothing else… Even partial-birth abortion isn’t as bad as a woman having the baby, then the nurses leaving it in a room to die. Did you even watch the video to see what it was about?

And John, I agree with you 100%.:smiley:

naw didnt watch the video… i know my views on the issue

Okay then… So I guess you agree with leaving live babies in a room to die alone? That’s what the video talks about.