I rode the bus on the way to work this A.M., there was already a “White” section in the back, and a “Colored” section up front… My favorite restaurant is already installing a 4th class “White” rest room adjacent to the pristine “Colored Only” 1st class rest room.
This election started to turn with Donald Rumsfeld’s failed military strategy of trying to win the war in Iraq with small tactical strikes, as opposed to going in with overwhelming brute force and getting in and out quickly as Colin Powell and many other military leaders wanted to. THAT would have been “Cowboy Diplomacy” John with due respect, but it sure as hell would have been more effective. The mamby-pamby, pussy-footing “win the hearts and minds” strategy was and is crap. Bush was too loyal to Rummy, and waited too long to can him… probably because at the outset, Rummy held the media in the palm of his hand. Understandable, given the media covered the war like a daily military sporting event.
Beyond that, Bush-Cheney have been decent administrators yet Bush is such a poor communicator/orator in a public forum. He either couldn’t or wouldn’t do it, which left his administration and the republican party vulnerable to the inevitable attacks that come from opposing political ideology. Regardless, the past 8 years have been a very mixed bag in terms of success-failure.
The label of “Cowboy Diplomacy”, with due respect John, is absurd yet has stuck simply because Bush sucks. The U.S. is THE world super power. The rest of the world despises us for that, and wants what we have, period. There are no “friends”, there are only mutual interests. And anytime we seek “cooperation” other countries have their hand out wanting big $ and weapons - concessions - from us in return. Enough of that already.
I wish we would stop thinking we as a nation, can be all things to all people. Stop giving billions away in foreign aid, stop fighting other people’s wars for them, etc. I’m not trying to sound like an isolationist, I’m all in favor of building mutually beneficial international trade, exchange of ideas, politics, culture, Etc. But let’s halt the movement of jobs overseas and put the brakes on this “open border”-“one world-economy” and “one-world currency” road we seem to be inexorably moving down.
Does anyone think Obama will govern with those ideals and values?
This country remains right of center in terms of values. Yet we have just elected a far left of center liberal president with a VERY thin record of accomplishment. McCain has a deep record of accomplishment, but was similar to Bush in that he failed to persuade America he could lead effectively. I thought he sucked, frankly in the debates. He could have and should have CRUSHED a political newbie like Obama, but either couldn’t or wouldn’t.
To his credit, Obama learned how effective Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan were in communicating simply and in a calm reassuring style. He could do that, McCain could not. And in the simplest terms, that’s how he won.
Style over substance. Again.