Random Political Thought

As a Christian, I believe the soul arrives at conseption, therefore, I’m pro life.

Everyone wants to blame Bush for todays economic troubles but he’s only part of the problem. Please check the links Lance & I posted earlier and see who else is involved!

If Obama wins, I hope the change is for the better but I’m afraid it’s going to get worse. Only time will tell.


Here’s a solution from an associate.

Dear Fellow Business Owner

As a business owner who employs 30 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama will be our next President, and that my taxes and fees will go up.

To compensate for these increases, I figure our customers will see an increase in my fees of about 8%. I will also have to lay off six of my employees. This really bothered me as I believe we are family here and didn’t know how to choose who will have to go.

So, this is what I did.

I strolled thru the parking lot and found eight Obama bumper stickers on my employees cars. I have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off.

I can’t think of more fair way to approach this problem…LMAO

HAHA wow

Unfortunately for all of us, the presidential election give us a “choice” between:

a. John “Gramps” McCain
b. Barack “Inexperienced” Obama

Regardless of one’s political ideology, it’s astonishing to me that in our 2 major political parties, this is the “cream” that has risen to the top.

I am an unabashed conservative. I could vote for a democrat like Joe Lieberman. And when I watched the VP debate, I couldn’t help think that if Joe Biden was at the top of the ticket, I wouldn’t lose any sleep if he was elected, even if he had some of his facts wrong. At least he has experience, poise and exudes leadership.

Obama, I’m sorry. He hasn’t done anything in this world save for successfully climbing the ranks of the democrat party. I have to tip my hat to him there, but he has no experience doing anything else. He is grossly unqualified to lead this country, irrespective of his ideology.

The biggest problem I have with the democrat primary is that in order to win at the primary level, a candidate HAS to be a well-left-of-center liberal: i.e. George McGovern, Mike Dukakis, Walter Mondale, Al Gore, John Kerry, and of course now, Barack Obama. The democrat party is highly fractured with a broad range of conservative to liberal members. Yet conservatives never rise to the top of that primary.

While I congratulate Obama for obtaining his party nomination, for beating Hillary Clinton, and for being the first black man to win a party nomination in this country, let’s face it: If it was not for an unpopular war, financial market turmoil, and rising unemployment (i.e. Many people are just PISSED OFF!), this election would be rightly focused on the fact that Obama is simply, and GROSSLY unqualified to be president.

Yet here we are, and the guy is clearly in the drivers seat to be the leader of the greatest and most powerful country on the planet.

What a country.

I was thinking the same exact thing… Out of a country of 305+ million these are the 2 “best” candidates that agreed… I just wish someone that was better qualified would have agreed to run, but this is the boat that we are in. and IMO if McCain can deal with the race of the election then he will be fine to life for the couple years he is in office lol. That is IF he wins

I get to vote the first time today… :smiley:

Don’t SCREW it up then …

:smiley: j/k

And be sure to vote early and often …


Congratulations! You’ll feel a sense of empowerment. Although it may be more perception than reality.

Anyone know bout the Rumor that Mccain may not be a natural born citizen of america??

I think he was born in Pamama but while his father was in the military so he’s considered a natural born citizen.

Yay now our country is going down the toilet. I’ll wait for the “I told you so” although I hope not.

Well, on a good note. I believe our foreign policy will get better. I can only hope so does our Great nation…

I hope you’re right but i see nothing getting better whatsoever. I see higher gas prices SOON and definitely higher taxes. I also see lots of freedom and rights taken away, mainly the right to bear arms. Take a look at this video… this is why I believe our foreign policy is going to stay the same if not be worse. Everybody get ready to learn Chinese/Arabic!

matt , back away from the kool-aide ,you’ve already had too much.now on to the truth,yes your probably correct about the gas prices but I believe they would go up no matter who won the election the people that brought the high prices are called speculators,as long as we are in this pickle they won’t stick their necks out to try and make a quick buck.
Next the gun control issue, barrack won’t take your guns away no sitting president will ever attempt that BUT you may see legislation to ban & I agree the ownership of assault weapons aka the automatic type. hunters don’t need ak-47’s for deer hunting nor do bird hunters need uzzies.something has to be done to get these type weapons off the streets and outta the hands of gang members.and finally the foriegn relations angle I truely believe the “big bad tuff guy” or cowboy diplomacy hasn’t done anything but make more enemies than influence anyone. a new approach is much needed.barrack I think will find a way.

I rode the bus on the way to work this A.M., there was already a “White” section in the back, and a “Colored” section up front… My favorite restaurant is already installing a 4th class “White” rest room adjacent to the pristine “Colored Only” 1st class rest room.

This election started to turn with Donald Rumsfeld’s failed military strategy of trying to win the war in Iraq with small tactical strikes, as opposed to going in with overwhelming brute force and getting in and out quickly as Colin Powell and many other military leaders wanted to. THAT would have been “Cowboy Diplomacy” John with due respect, but it sure as hell would have been more effective. The mamby-pamby, pussy-footing “win the hearts and minds” strategy was and is crap. Bush was too loyal to Rummy, and waited too long to can him… probably because at the outset, Rummy held the media in the palm of his hand. Understandable, given the media covered the war like a daily military sporting event.

Beyond that, Bush-Cheney have been decent administrators yet Bush is such a poor communicator/orator in a public forum. He either couldn’t or wouldn’t do it, which left his administration and the republican party vulnerable to the inevitable attacks that come from opposing political ideology. Regardless, the past 8 years have been a very mixed bag in terms of success-failure.

The label of “Cowboy Diplomacy”, with due respect John, is absurd yet has stuck simply because Bush sucks. The U.S. is THE world super power. The rest of the world despises us for that, and wants what we have, period. There are no “friends”, there are only mutual interests. And anytime we seek “cooperation” other countries have their hand out wanting big $ and weapons - concessions - from us in return. Enough of that already.

I wish we would stop thinking we as a nation, can be all things to all people. Stop giving billions away in foreign aid, stop fighting other people’s wars for them, etc. I’m not trying to sound like an isolationist, I’m all in favor of building mutually beneficial international trade, exchange of ideas, politics, culture, Etc. But let’s halt the movement of jobs overseas and put the brakes on this “open border”-“one world-economy” and “one-world currency” road we seem to be inexorably moving down.

Does anyone think Obama will govern with those ideals and values?

This country remains right of center in terms of values. Yet we have just elected a far left of center liberal president with a VERY thin record of accomplishment. McCain has a deep record of accomplishment, but was similar to Bush in that he failed to persuade America he could lead effectively. I thought he sucked, frankly in the debates. He could have and should have CRUSHED a political newbie like Obama, but either couldn’t or wouldn’t.

To his credit, Obama learned how effective Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan were in communicating simply and in a calm reassuring style. He could do that, McCain could not. And in the simplest terms, that’s how he won.

Style over substance. Again.

Putting laws in place to control assault weapons will do nothing. I have friends and family who collect them like I do horns. That’d be like the government making them illegal because people on here misuse them. Drugs are illegal but it hasn’t stopped the gang members from doing them and selling them.

With Obama’s tax plan, everything is going to go up in price! We, the middle and lower classes, will pay for those increases one way or another.

Other countries seem to be celebrating his victory which is probably a result of his stated foreign policy. Is that good or bad? His planned monthly pull out from Iraq has some serious implications.

So after all of this rhetoric, have our worse fears been realized or are we fearing fear itself. Only time will tell.

I didn’t buy any of the campaign/debate rhetoric about tax plans. Invariably, when a new president elect takes the office during difficult economic times we soon hear “The status of the budget is worse than anticipated”. The empty promises of tax breaks or no tax increases is among the first to get tossed.

We are fighting 2 wars, the economy is in the crapper, tax revenues are down and government is as big and bloated as ever. During the campaign, Obama pledged greater government program involvement (i.e. spending).

Add that all up, how will anyone’s taxes go DOWN ?

You got that right!

lol this is great.

lol another funny one… I think people should pass an IQ test before voting.